Past projects 11
Calculators to Replace Phones
Funded Oct 15, 2018Thanks so much for the calculators that you have given us. It is true that we have some students that prefer to be on their phones than they do on the calculators that you got for us. So some of our students may not necessarily appreciate what good you have done for us. Just the other day, a student who had their phone out, quickly switched their screen to their calculator on their phone. But when I reminded them that we now have calculators he knew that there was no reason for him to not have his phone out. While this game that some students play might still get a little play, because we have the calculators on the ready - I am guessing we will see it less and less. With your donations you have made our classes a lot more productive!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Krebs
Classroom Supplies
Funded Oct 9, 2018It is really easy to feel the impact of your donations to my classroom. You got our class Dry Erase Markers, Four function calculators, Pens and Tape. With the Dry erase markers I have been able to invite multiple students up to front of the classroom to have them show their work and not worry that a marker would get overused or somehow damaged. With the Pens, any student that comes to my class and does not have a pen can get one. With the tape, decorating my room is possible in a way that it wasn't before. And with the calculators, students that do not have a calculator will have one. My classes are functioning at a much higher level with your help!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Krebs
Chromebooks for Fully "Integrated" Classroom
Funded Jan 16, 2018Over the past few months, I have worked on trying to infuse my classes with technology. It is my belief that if you can bring technology into your classroom you should. The reason for this is that when students learn math with technology, they get accurate feedback, they get true proportionate representations of objects, and they are presented with a range of visually interactive learning experiences that they wouldn't otherwise get.
The donation that you have given my classes has allowed me to "raise the bar" significantly. I believe my students are better students and better problem solvers because of the kinds of educational experiences I have been able to give them (with the help you have given). My students appreciate it and I do as well.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Krebs
"Touch" Chromebooks For Special Needs Students to "Experience" Math
Funded Dec 20, 2016The "Touch Chromebooks" have helped my students to experience math in a way that they never have before. Now they are able to physically move points to create lines according to a given equation. They are able to locate midpoints or endpoints of a segment by touching on the grid. They are able to rotate the grid to make a line parallel or perpendicular to a given line. All of these activities and more help them to internalize rules of math which they previously were left to memorize as a result of paper and pencil activities.
My students engagement, performance and their excitement for learning have all improved since you helped to bring us these "Touch Chromebooks" My students thank you for this -And I do too. Thanks so much!!!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Krebs
"Touch" Chromebooks For Special Needs Students to "Experience" Math
Funded Aug 16, 2016As a teacher that works with students from neighborhoods that are not affluent, I have always been aware of the fact that my students are at a disadvantage when compared with some of their peers from affluent neighborhoods. One key area where there are noticeable differences is with technology. Whereas affluent schools are able to provide their students with apple computers and have the best technology within the schools, the school that I work with is not able to provide this for my students. This is part of what is called the Digital Divide. It is real and as a teacher, I consider it part of my job to try and close the digital divide for my students.
So whether it be a Mimio Bar to make presentations at the front of the room more interactive; "Touch" Chromebooks that help students to interact with the math in ways that they have never been able to; Or Tablets which they are awarded for hard work – I am doing my best to close the Digital Divide and provide students with educational opportunities that they wouldn't otherwise have if we were not fortunate enough to have Staples donate all of things they donated to our classes.
The students are excited about this year. With the Mimio Bar we are able to turn the front board into a visually interactive board and presentations are exciting. Students love to come to the front of the room to interact and show their work on the board. With the tablets available for rewards for high achievement the students are working hard. These are things that if they win, can really help to improve their educational experiences. In the meantime they are working hard hoping to reach their goals. Similarly the Chromebooks have also improved experiences within the classroom. These chromebooks allow students to touch on the screens and make the interaction with the assignment so much more interesting.
All of these opportunities have helped to close the Digital Divide within my classes. I am very proud of this opportunity I have to try to close this in my classes and me and my students are very Grateful to Staples for helping us out as they have.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Krebs
MimioTeach Bar for "Special Needs" Students to Interact with Math.
Funded Aug 16, 2016As a teacher that works with students from neighborhoods that are not affluent, I have always been aware of the fact that my students are at a disadvantage when compared with some of their peers from affluent neighborhoods. One key area where there are noticeable differences is with technology. Whereas affluent schools are able to provide their students with apple computers and have the best technology within the schools, the school that I work with is not able to provide this for my students. This is part of what is called the Digital Divide. It is real and as a teacher, I consider it part of my job to try and close the digital divide for my students.
So whether it be a Mimio Bar to make presentations at the front of the room more interactive; "Touch" Chromebooks that help students to interact with the math in ways that they have never been able to; Or Tablets which they are awarded for hard work – I am doing my best to close the Digital Divide and provide students with educational opportunities that they wouldn't otherwise have if we were not fortunate enough to have Staples donate all of things they donated to our classes.
The students are excited about this year. With the Mimio Bar we are able to turn the front board into a visually interactive board and presentations are exciting. Students love to come to the front of the room to interact and show their work on the board. With the tablets available for rewards for high achievement the students are working hard. These are things that if they win, can really help to improve their educational experiences. In the meantime they are working hard hoping to reach their goals. Similarly the Chromebooks have also improved experiences within the classroom. These chromebooks allow students to touch on the screens and make the interaction with the assignment so much more interesting.
All of these opportunities have helped to close the Digital Divide within my classes. I am very proud of this opportunity I have to try to close this in my classes and me and my students are very Grateful to Staples for helping us out as they have.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Krebs
Tablets For Performing Students
Funded Aug 16, 2016As a teacher that works with students from neighborhoods that are not affluent, I have always been aware of the fact that my students are at a disadvantage when compared with some of their peers from affluent neighborhoods. One key area where there are noticeable differences is with technology. Whereas affluent schools are able to provide their students with apple computers and have the best technology within the schools, the school that I work with is not able to provide this for my students. This is part of what is called the Digital Divide. It is real and as a teacher, I consider it part of my job to try and close the digital divide for my students.
So whether it be a Mimio Bar to make presentations at the front of the room more interactive; "Touch" Chromebooks that help students to interact with the math in ways that they have never been able to; Or Tablets which they are awarded for hard work – I am doing my best to close the Digital Divide and provide students with educational opportunities that they wouldn't otherwise have if we were not fortunate enough to have Staples donate all of things they donated to our classes.
The students are excited about this year. With the Mimio Bar we are able to turn the front board into a visually interactive board and presentations are exciting. Students love to come to the front of the room to interact and show their work on the board. With the tablets available for rewards for high achievement the students are working hard. These are things that if they win, can really help to improve their educational experiences. In the meantime they are working hard hoping to reach their goals. Similarly the Chromebooks have also improved experiences within the classroom. These chromebooks allow students to touch on the screens and make the interaction with the assignment so much more interesting.
All of these opportunities have helped to close the Digital Divide within my classes. I am very proud of this opportunity I have to try to close this in my classes and me and my students are very Grateful to Staples for helping us out as they have.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Krebs
Print It Up!
Funded Nov 9, 2015The technology in my classroom is helping students learn because 1) it is able to tell the students right after they submit answers what the right answer is (right or wrong) 2) It is able to pat them on the back when they get the answer right "Great!" 3) It is able to keep track of their performance so they get a good idea for how well they are understanding the assignment. These are all things that a teacher can do if the teacher is working with a student 1 on 1. However, it is not always possible to do that -even in the smallest of classes.
The printer that you got me allows me to print up the successes that the students have been having on these games that I have created. This way they can have a real sense of pride for how good they are in my class. The bulletin board which I use to post their work really looks great with the student work on it. This gift that you have given my classroom has really transformed the class.
The students are slowly warming up to the bulletin board. They look at the work of their peers and you can tell they are getting a little competitive about the bulletin board. This is good because when the students are practicing the work they are trying harder to make sure they understand it for when it comes time to do homework.
Thanks so much Google for this gift. It is really transforming my classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Krebs
Classroom Essentials
Funded Nov 9, 2015On an as needed basis I have begun to give students a box of pens and a notebook. For example, today a student came to my class and did not have a pen to write with. When he asked me for a pen I told him the good news -That Google had donated classroom essentials to our classroom- So I would be able to help him out. When I told him this he was a bit skeptical. . . "Do I get to keep the pens?" "Yes." I told him "Put them in a safe place and make sure you come prepared to my class every day."
This student's reaction to getting it was that he had his best class of the year. He worked hard and asked questions. He completed all of his work as well.
It is my hope that this pattern of positive behavior continues for this student. And for others who also have a bad habit of coming to school without something to write with I hope that they develop expectations for themselves that coming to school without something to write with is not OK. Now because I have the means, I can raise the bar and create the expectation for all of my students that they should never come to my class unprepared.
Thanks so much for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Krebs
Chromebooks For Homework (No Excuses!)
Funded Aug 22, 2015Thanks so much for donating the Chromebooks to my classroom. I am excited for my students to see how proud one of them is when he/she is rewarded with one. For that student and for the others that witness the reward I think it will have a great impact on students beliefs that hard work gets rewarded. It will produce a snowball effect of hard work in other students.
When I had the students fill out a survey I found out that 68 percent of my students did not have a computer at home. Given that, I feel that this initiative is very important. Students should have a computer at home to assist them with their education.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Krebs