Past projects 25
Bud, Not Buddy: A Boy Trying to Discover Himself
Funded Dec 28, 2018Thank you for the donation of these books! This class set is allowing all students to have a copy of this book during our read aloud. They are loving following along, discussing the book and talking about the time in history this fictional character lives. Bud, an orphan boy, lives during the great depression. He escapes an abusive home to search for his dad. He has rules to live by. He is The kids are loving learning his rules and following all his jokes. We have 5 chapters left until the end of the novel and the kids don't want to put the book down. Thanks again!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Butler
Let's Get This Year Started Off Right!!!
Funded Sep 9, 2018Thank you so much for helping get us supplies for this year! The kids will appreciate it so much! It makes learning impossible when we do not have the proper supplies. Everything you do matters and shows the kids that someone cares. We will use all materials for work and writing and keep the room decorated with motivational posters!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Butler
A Whole New World, A New Fantastic Place to Be
Funded Sep 7, 2017We have began reading the novel "Percy Jackson" in class. Now that we have enough copies, each student is able to have one in their hands as they listen to the Read aloud. They are also able to bring it home some nights and read and respond independently. Having the availability of these resources encourages and motivates them to read in school as well as at home. Reading is what helps children's comprehension grow. As they listen to a read aloud in class, their fluency levels are improving. They are asked to stop midway and discuss a comprehension question with their group and share out their groups thoughts. After we read the chapter, they are also asked a comprehension question. We are studying the plot and the sequence of events. "Percy Jackson" fits the sixth grade perfectly as the children will be studying Greek mythology in their social studies classes for the next unit. Thank you so much for providing them with opportunity to interact with literature.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Butler
Technology to Enhance Learning
Funded Dec 25, 2017We have been so grateful to have a projector in the classroom! In reading it really helps the children to have a visual to see the strategies that I am modeling up on the board. I have 4 classes, and this allows me to write on a separate document for each group. For example, when we are doing an outline before we write, I will model it on the board for the children to follow along. Using a different template for each class helps me to meet their needs, and keeps them learning and on task. It is less frustrating for the children when they have a clear visual of the expectations and an example of what is expected. This projector has been a very useful tool in our classroom this year. Thank you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Butler
Opportunities For Children Beyond Their Dreams.
Funded May 2, 2017Chromebooks are so hard to come by in our school! Thanks to your generosity the students have been able to have a complete set most of the year in ELA class. Our team has worked hard to get multiples and enable the children to use computers as much as possible to make learning fun. They have done research projects, used research proven intervention programs for reading, and they have been using websites to have fun reviewing skills for the End of Grade Test. It is hard to motivate students who struggle with reading, however, being able to practice and use the computer to complete projects has really motivated students this year.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Butler
This classroom project was brought to life by and 3 other donors.Resistant Readers need Inspiration
Funded Nov 13, 2016Students have appreciated having these books in our library. We were able to do group study with books. We also used them to check out of the library and read independently. There were multiple books to choose from, allowing the kids to feel successful. They completed a book project on their independent book, and now those book projects hang proudly in our classroom for all to see. The children are enjoying having a wide variety of books to choose from. They are more engaged in reading and enjoy choosing books of their interest. Thank you for providing that.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Butler
It's a Wonderful Novel to Explore Disabilities and Differences!
Funded Sep 9, 2017Thank you for helping to fund more copies of "Wonder" for my sixth grade classroom. The group of children reading this book, is unmotivated and easily distracted. However, this book is very engaging and hilarious, while at the same time, it addresses real issues in life. Auggie Pullman is born with many deformities. He attends school for the first time and is bullied. The children are studying his challenges and how he reacts to them. We are studying plot and how characters develop in a novel. Another important aspect of this novel, is that it is told from multiple perspectives. We are able to analyze how the same event can be told differently when told by a different character. What's even more motivating is that the movie comes out in November! Thanks again!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Butler
An Artist Must Have Paint to Create a Masterpiece!
Funded Apr 5, 2017I am proud to say I am one of the few teachers who always has notebook paper, and pencils available and on hand to all students. Many of the students I teach come to school every day with many more issues on their minds. The fact that they do not have school supplies, including pencils and paper are the least of their concerns. I am thankful that you were able to give them the opportunity to come to school and be as prepared as they need to be to learn in our English Language Arts class. The amount of pencils I have is amazing. I keep a little bucket where they can go grab an already sharpened pencil during the lesson, as to not interrupt or get frustrated because they do not have the proper materials. The chart paper is so helpful when modeling the correct way to do an assignment, or creating an anchor chart where the children can look around the room, if they need to reference a lesson we did previously. Thank you again. We appreciate all the materials.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Butler
This classroom project was brought to life by Aspect Ventures and 2 other donors.A New year, a whole new, Unique group of Readers
Funded Sep 28, 2016Thank you for providing a multitude of books for children reading at different levels. In order to grow children need books that they can read independently as well as in small groups. They need to be challenged and read many genres. Having the opportunity to offer them many choices also motivates them to read and practice is what students need to be better readers. As a teacher it's so important to provide each group of students with the materials they need and it's so true that each child is unique. Having this variety will be so helpful. Thanks again!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Butler
Requested by Kids: For Kids!
Funded Dec 7, 2016Thank you so much for this group of books to motivate and encourage kids to read. When asked, these were the books the kids were wanting. As soon as they came in they were super excited. I had to keep running library cards in order to keep track of all the in and out of the book. The kids had to be limited to a week with them because so many kids wanted to read them! It truly worked and inspired even the most unmotivated child to read. Thank you for listening to to the children's interests! Sincerely, thanks again! You really made a difference.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Butler