Past projects 3
Tech for Firsties in the 21st Century
Funded Mar 23, 2017Thank you so much for your valued donation to my first grade classroom. Students were thrilled to partake in the opening of our chromebooks. Students have become more tech savvy and comfortable with technology. The impact of having technology readily available to my students has made them confident and more independent.
Having technology in our classroom made a big difference throughout the school year. The computers were utilized for rewards, indoor recess and educational supplemental websites. The kiddos loved using the chromebooks in order to access our school supplemental websites. These websites tailored skills to support individual student needs and growth. Each student has been challenged and risen to such challenges.
Students that are unable to access technology at home are exposed to at least 30mins on the classroom at school. These minutes help to eradicate a portion of the gaps in ability and technological skill among students of varied socioeconomic status. You have made a huge difference in the lives of the students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Doherty
Cozy Counting Carpet
Funded Apr 18, 2017I cannot believe that this year has come to a close and that our cozy counting carpet has been in our classroom for almost two months now. I wish you all could've seen the shocked and smiling faces as my 23 first graders walked into the room and saw the rug for the first time. Right away I heard comments like "this rug is awesome" and "I can't wait to play games and dance on it". Believe it or not, most of my firsties had quite the jaw-drop moment.
Once everyone settled in we decided to check out our rug's comfort level. We stretched out or legs and sat on the perimeter to admire all of the numbers. Kiddos were eager to respond when I asked them what tool our rug is. "It's a hundreds chart Miss Doherty!" Most of them responded. Then a few corrected their peers and said, "wait it's a hundred twenty chart!" That is when I knew we were ready to test out our number sense using our new rug.
We spent a great portion of our math time playing guess my number and 10 more or 10 less. The rug has also been excellent redirection for students. They are quick to change their spot when I redirect them to sit on a specific number. We play games like this all of the time. We even use the rug as a tool to line up and practice math skills. For instance I say all numbers greater than 85 may go line up. It makes integrating the math skills that we've already learned seamless.
Your donation has engaged and will continue to engage and comfort future first grade students in the Leominster district.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Doherty
Investigating with Ipads
Funded Nov 3, 2014I don't know how to begin to thank you! I will however, try my best. I hope that in reading the impact you have made on my class you will truly see the value of your donation. As you know, I have several needs in my classroom. These Ipads have not only allowed me to differentiate levels of ability. They have allowed many students a new approach to a skill that had otherwise eluded them. They have also allowed for my students equal "footing" despite their socio-economic background.
We use our Ipads every day. We have them in our math skills group for math centers and at our fluency groups for reading. The class has been eager to try the Ipads and apply the subtraction, addition and place value skills that we have been learning daily. It seems that each child has their own favorite game whether it be Hungry Fish (practicing addition fluency) or Cookie Crunch (using place value to package a cookie order). Practice in a new way truly allows each student to shine. The Ipads act as a partner to read with fluently with. I can depend on this partner to model fluency accuracy (given the right app or website). Reading models are such an important piece to becoming a strong and fluent reader.
These Ipads have also had an impact on my classroom management and environment. Students strive to earn use of the Ipads for free time at the end of the day or at snack time. It shows them that these Ipads are a privilege in our room.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You've made a huge difference in each of my students' lives.
With Warm Regards,
Miss Doherty”
With gratitude,
Ms. Doherty