Past projects 4
Math Classroom Materials
Funded Jan 15, 2018Adrienne,
Thank you so so much for your generosity! I can't tell you how touched I was that you donated not once, but twice to my project! I was in need of a few specific items when I first submitted project. When the time ran out and the project wasn't fulfilled, your donation was turned into a Donors Choose gift card. I then created another project with some smaller items, so that your donation would be put to good use. The gift card was designated to cover the cost of the products, and that left the handling fees and donation to Donors Choose. And you donated again! You are amazing! My students now have the ability to work in groups with large graph paper that everyone can see. There is a homework station where students know where to go if they were absent or if they lost their assignment. We have a working pencil sharpener, which is a great time saver! The plastic page protectors are so helpful in organizing my units. All of the items from this project have helped streamline routines and procedures and I am so grateful. My students were in awe when the packages arrived, they were shocked that my friend bought these things for us!
Somehow I only ended up with four classroom photos, so I included two pictures of Norah!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sweetman
Graphing Calculators for 21st Century Learning
Funded Mar 11, 2016Dear Donors,
I am honored that you chose to support my project. My students are using the graphing calculators that you donated to increase their understanding of our Algebra 1 curriculum. Many of my students struggle with math, and the calculators serve as a tool to break through some of the difficulties and see the concepts visually. Before your donation, I had a set of 23 calculators for 28 students. Now, everyone can use their own calculator. This has been a great help with creating independence within the classroom.
My students were amazed that complete strangers would buy use these calculators, and are even more grateful than I am for your generosity.
Thank you very much for all that you have done,”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sweetman
This classroom project was brought to life by #BestSchoolDay and 4 other donors.Algebra Interactive Notebooks
Funded Jul 30, 2014My students really appreciated your generosity. When I told them that they were going to get their math notebooks as a donation from complete strangers, they were shocked. It really takes the pressure off, financially, when I am able to tell them that the only supply they need to take care of is a pencil. By donating to this project, you have allowed them to focus on their academics, because they are not worrying about the money.
Students have been creating Interactive Notebooks with the supplies that we received. We use the notebooks on a daily basis as a reference to the learning for the year. That way, in February, when a topic we are working on cycles back to something we learned in the fall, students can refer to the table of contents and access the information easily.
Having the supplies to create foldable graphic organizers has helped tremendously. Many of the students remember more with the use of tactile materials. The ability for students to color code their notes has also helped a lot. There is research that shows that learning can be enhanced with the use of color, and I have seen this to be true. The interactive notebooks have also allowed students to be more independent. Instead of thinking that I am the only one in the room with the answer, they know that they can use their notebook as a resource when they are stuck.
Thank you so much for contributing to the learning of these students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sweetman
Using Interactive Notebooks in Math
Funded Oct 3, 2013The day that the supplies arrived was a very exciting one for my students. They were shocked to find out that complete strangers took time and money to get them what they need. I think that fact has encouraged them to treat our supplies with the utmost respect.
When we approach a new topic, students are given notes that they cut, fold and glue into their notebooks. They are then given an opportunity to interact with those notes and apply their thinking. Notes are color coded as a memory strategy, and students add their own creativity to help them learn the material. With the table of contents, students are able to easily find the notes that they are looking for and use them as a study tool.
I have been teaching middle school math for 15 years, and this is the first year I have used an interactive notebook with my students. My students have found successes in our math work that I haven't seen with former students. I have been trying to teach independence within my students. So often, their first instinct is to look to me for help when they get stuck. This year, my students reach for their notebook as a resource when they need help. It has been an invaluable tool that has allowed students to answer their own questions. The standards of mathematical practice are what I use to guide my lessons and using the interactive notebook has allowed us to meet standard number 5: use appropriate tools strategically.
Thank you so much for your extreme generosity. The supplies that you have provided have proved to be instrumental in student learning. My students are using their interactive notebooks to get smarter every day!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sweetman