Past projects 11
Calming Classroom Community
Funded Nov 23, 2023We were beyond excited to receive our new classroom materials. They have made our classroom environment feel calmer and warmer which was our main goal. When students walked in the day that we hung the lights from the ceiling they could not stop looking at them and expressing how "beautiful" they looked and made the room feel. Students have also enjoyed the various fidgets that we now have thanks to your generosity. Some of the fidgets, such as the chair bands, stay in the classroom and can only be used there. However, others such as the pop its, can be borrowed and returned as needed. Of course, sometimes those pop its are also a great reward that a student can earn as a prize too! Lastly, the new chairs that have been added to our classroom have proved to be the best space to "chill" when needed but also as a reward for working hard and focusing. They provide us with a great and very much needed flexible seating option. Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Murphy
Beginning Basics
Funded Jul 9, 2019I wanted to reach back out, and I'm so sorry for the delay, somehow it is already March!! However, with that same thought, my students and I have had so many opportunities to use the materials that you so graciously donated towards. Our learning has really been supported through the use of every single one, but in such different ways.
First of all, and I would argue my students favorite, the flexible seating options. These are seats that we have in the front of our classroom as a space that allows movement from our regular clunky desks. These are also an options as a reward space when students are working hard in class.
The other materials such as notebooks, post it notes and dry erase markers are also essential to our learning and used every single day by both teachers and students to support and promote learning.
Again, I can not thank you enough. I would not be able to do even close to what we do everyday if it wasn't for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Murphy
This classroom project was brought to life by Volkswagen.Flexible Seating & Reading
Funded Aug 13, 2019I just wanted to reach out again to say thank you. I'm a little late to getting around to describing the impact...I'm so sorry, I'm unsure how it is already March!
However, as I write this after school, I look around and see the different seating options thanks to this project and just can not be more thankful. Everyday, without fail, at any given moment students are using our flexible seating to do their work in. I have found it to be the best incentive for students to work hard, as well as an incredible opportunity for when a student might need to take a moment to his/her self.
Another major aspect of the project was the different magazines. I am a firm believer that students need to be exposed to different types of writing. The Storyworks and Time For Kids have really opened my students up to having this at their need and want. The Time for Kids are incredible for building students knowledge of the world as well as essential informational text related skills. The Storyworks magazines allow students to experience story telling in a whole new and exciting way. Thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Murphy
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 6 other donors.Starting with Essentials!
Funded Aug 17, 2018So sorry for the delay in our response to your generosity. This year has just been jam packed with learning and it is all thanks to your generous donations to our classroom. We received our materials right in time for the school year and have been using them everyday since. Our favorite resource was for sure the bouncy bands. We use them on only some chairs and desks and they really support us in staying focused because they give us the chance to move when we feel the need.
When we received all the materials at the beginning of the year I made sure that everyone understood we only had these things due to others supporting our class and our learning. They were blown away by the fact that people who did not necessarily even know them would be willing to donate to their success. My favorite part about sending this out in March is that I am very pleased to say that our materials are still in great shape...with the exception of post it notes...we run through those pretty quickly here in 5th grade.
Our classroom would not be able to run as smoothly if it were not for you supporting us. Most of these materials I look to have donated every year so that I can ask my families for other necessities such as basics such as tissues and pencils.
Thank you again.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Murphy
Catching Our Attention with New Titles!
Funded Apr 18, 2018My students and I were and still are beyond overwhelmed with the generosity of you all. We could not believe that our project was funded in about a week and that we got our books about one week after that. When I was creating the project I told my students I was doing it and they were so excited as I expressed in my project description. When I got the box of new books I knew I had to wait to open it until I was with them. The reactions on all of their faces was PRICELESS. The books have been flying off the book shelf...most even before I unpacked the box (every reading teachers dream!!!).
I'm lucky this year that I have a 2 hour reading block, which means, just about everyday for at least 15-20 minutes my students are able to sit down and read a book that makes them happy, a book that they choose and can keep with them until it is completed. I have now been able to reach even more readers with the abundance of novels that we received...especially some of my readers who, "don't like to read" because they are now reading some of the graphic novels.
My favorite view this past week has been simply observing my students as they sit back and relax with a beautiful new book and the smile that is on their faces knowing that someone else in the world believes in them as much as I do.
Thank you again from the bottom of all our hearts.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Murphy
Chromebooks for the Classroom
Funded Dec 8, 2017I can not thank you enough for donating to my project but more importantly to the success of my students. Technology is such a major player in today's world and I aim to use technology as often as I can in my classroom for that exact reason. Technology in the classroom can be used in so many different ways. We use it daily and with the addition of two new computers more students now have access to the technology on a daily basis.
Something that my students love the most about our new chrome books is how fast they are. The computers are brand new and we often can not receive brand new things, but especially technology. They love to be able to use the various online resources that are so helpful to aiding the students in reading.
Aside from new resources that we can access to improve our reading we are also now able to easier access our Google classroom accounts. This is an online classroom set up that allows students to compile their work in one accessible place for themselves. As I mentioned before, technology is very important in our world today an even a skill such as typing can be lost if never learned or practiced. Google classroom allows my students to type on a daily basis and improve this skills.
Again, thank you so much for supporting us in our journey of education. We can never full express our gratitude in words.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Murphy
This classroom project was brought to life by Watson One More Foundation and 8 other donors.Planning for Success
Funded Nov 29, 2017I just wanted to reach out and express my gratitude once again. The planners that our students have received have been such a great resource and tool so far. This year we purchased planners just for our fifth grade students due to receiving funding a bit later than we had planned. However, so far it has been wonderful to watch some of my more disorganized students really begin to understand the importance of staying organized and writing down their assignments as well as other dates.
One moment in particular stands out to me as we were filling in the overview calendar for April today in class and we have our standardized testing coming up. I felt as if for the first time students realized how soon the tests were and the engagement in class was stronger than ever. I always find myself looking at the calendar and having it put some drive into my daily routines when I see upcoming dates. However, it was really something to see ten and eleven years have the same motivation.
I can not wait to see them use their planners again in school year 18-19 as they have already had the chance to use them for half a year and understand their significance. However, I am equally as excited to see all students in grades 5-8 benefit from such a wonderful tool. A tool that would not have been possible without your generous donation.
Thank you again so much from myself and all the students and teachers at our amazing school for your support in us as educators and scholars.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Murphy
Classroom Basics for Success
Funded Aug 8, 2017Once again I would like to extend my appreciation to you for choosing to support my students. The various materials we received thanks to your generous donation have made our time together so far that much more meaningful. We received class sets of scissors, notebooks and clipboards. I think the clipboards are the biggest hit because it allows us to complete our work around the room and in spaces that allow us to be successful. I love that my students know that if they need to move they can grab their clipboard and find a space in the room that will allow them to be successful. Our notebooks are also a blessing as we use them everyday for our writing and vocabulary instruction. I often refer to them as our donated notebooks when asking the class to get them out.
I was lucky enough to have all of these materials before the first day of school began this year. With that being said, my students were not there when all of the materials came in, but I think the look that must have come across my face was similar to what theirs would have been. However, the first time we used each of the different materials I made sure my class understood that all of the materials had been donated by others who wanted to make sure we had a successful school year. Many of them couldn't get over that people they had never met would be so generous.
As the school year goes on, the materials that have been donated to us will be used constantly and I can never put fully into words how much your support means to me. Thank you again, from all of us in fifth grade!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Murphy
This classroom project was brought to life by Sergey Brin Family Foundation and 6 other donors.Reading, Writing, and Listening with Technology
Funded Jul 14, 2017My students and I can not express our appreciation for your generous donations enough. At the beginning of the school year we received five tablets for our classroom. We began using them about a month into school after we had routines and expectations down and under control. Since then we use our tablets daily for different tasks. They have provided a great amount of differentiation as well as independent work choices. The tablets serve mostly as a small group work station. The tablets are used for reading and practicing comprehension on various on line platforms.
I think my students and I would agree that one of the most exciting parts about the tablets is the flexibility they allow us to have in the classroom. We love that they are easily transported to where we are comfortable around the room and where we will be successful for that day. The tablets also offer us exposure to a different technology other than computers. Technology is a major part of today's world and I love watching my students excitement over having the opportunity to work with different forms of technology.
I have found that all of my students fully enjoy the new technology that is part of our classroom. However, I have seen a few of my students take more of an interest than others. One student in particular has a hard time staying on task with paper and pencil as they often fall behind. However, the tablet has offered an opportunity to type responses rather than hand write and has supported this student in staying on pace with the class. Technology is such a wonderful way for students to succeed in schools and I am so very grateful that my students are able to be exposed to some on a daily basis due to your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Murphy
Miscellaneous Supplies to Become Master 5th Graders
Funded Nov 3, 2016I just wanted to express my deepest appreciation again. Our new resources have made all of the difference in our room. We have been able to use all the materials for everyday class work. When my students first saw our speakers they were most excited because we can now take proper brain breaks, listen to relaxing music as we work, and watch educational films to enhance our learning. However, I think the biggest hit was the time magazines. As they started to arrive my students were most excited to read our new materials and we love getting new ones in the mail each month!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Murphy