Past projects 40
High Quality Instructional Materials
Funded May 16, 2024Thank you so much for your generous donations! The TPT gift card was the perfect support as I transitioned into a new role as a special education preschool teacher. I was able to utilize the gift card to support and create developmentally appropriate centers and lessons in the Spring with my new class.
I have also benefitted from your generosity in planning for the start of this new school year and the Fall. I spent the summer preparing developmentally appropriate and engaging lessons to utilize for both back to school and the Fall season.
I so appreciate your support and generosity and my students do as well!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Levitan
High Quality Instructional Materials
Funded Nov 28, 2023Thank you so much for supporting my High Quality Instructional Materials project. I was able to purchase excellent supporting materials to use with our literacy program. This offered my students slides and visuals during whole group learning.
It also provided them many different ways to practice and reinforce the skills that were taught during centers and independent work. Mt students loved completing the many hands on activities I was able to purchase for them and it improved their confidence as both readers and writers.
Thank you again for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Levitan
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 2 other donors.Let's Read!
Funded Mar 30, 2023Thank you so much for your generous and thoughtful donation to my classroom! My students are already reading all of the books that were gifted to us. They love to reread old favorites I have read aloud. They remember the words, act out the story, and read to each other.
This is such an important experience for them in the journey to literacy. Thank you for playing such an important part in providing them these resources to help them be successful.
These books will become a permanent part of my classroom collection and will be available for years to come to help many more classes on their journey to become literate. One donation can impact so many young learners!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Levitan
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 2 other donors.The Write Stuff
Funded Dec 19, 2022Thank you so much for your generous and thoughtful support of our classroom! My students use dry erase markers throughout the day to learn. Having them available in our classroom has made instruction and learning seamless and easy. I so appreciate it.
The smelly markers have motivated reluctant artists and writers to put pen to paper and move forward in their learning. It has been incredibly helpful to have these special art and writing tools available to aid engagement and learning.
My students are flourishing and the materials you helped provide are playing a key role in their growth and success.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Levitan
Senses and Organization
Funded Mar 28, 2022Thank you so much for your generous support of my classroom! My students loved the smelly markers! It was their most favorite time of the day. The organization of them made their use and access easy. So many of my students chose to draw, write, and color that normally would not because of the scented markers. They so enjoyed guessing each scent and bringing scented drawings home to their loved ones.
I am always so thankful when donors choose my students and my classroom to support. The gesture may seem small but the impact is infinite.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Levitan
Let's Project!
Funded Jul 19, 2021This document camera has elevated my whole class instruction! I am thrilled to be able to share small materials and worksheets on my whiteboard with this document camera and my projector. All of my students are able to see exactly what I am sharing. We are able o freeze and image and write on top of it on the whiteboard as well. This document camera has been a game changer in the way that I am able to share with my students.
My students love seeing giant versions of books, worksheets, and math manipulatives. It also allows all of my learners the same visual access to materials in whole group instruction.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Levitan
Phonics Fun!
Funded Oct 18, 2020Thank you so much for the generous donation of this amazing phonics program! I am already modifying the content for digital remote learning. I can't wait to be able to use these materials for inperson learning as son as we are able to return.
I am so appreciative of the support that donors give to classrooms like mine. By having quality curriculum I am able to provide my students with rich learning experiences.
Thank you so much for the thoughtful donations. They will impact my current class of students, as well as the many classes that will follow.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Levitan
Time To Learn
Funded Jul 20, 2019Thank you so much for your wonderful support of my students and our classroom. It is so wonderful to see how public education and children are supported by the community.
These Time Magazine for Kids have been a wonderful addition to our classroom. My students love learning about the world around them. They feel like "big kids" with magazines in their individual book boxes.
The connection between the world and our classroom is an important one. These magazines help to bridge that gap and provide age appropriate, nonfiction learning experiences for my students.
Thank you so much for the support!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Levitan
Reading With Toolkits
Funded Dec 31, 2018Thank you so much for your generous support of my professional development! I have just returned from The Reading Toolkit institute and it was absolutely amazing. The quality of the professional development I received was above and beyond any other I have had in years. I was able to create support materials for myself and my students that I can bring back into my classroom and use on Monday morning! This is the most exciting part of professional development for me, when I can actually use what I learned immediately.
I have long desired to attend a Reading and Writing Institute professional development and this one did not disappoint. It was a phenomenal experience. I so enjoyed the learning I was able to do, but even better the new connections I made with teachers near and far. We have created an email group and have already shared resources with one another. This will be professional development that continues to grow and build, and help myself and my students.
Thank you again so much for allowing me to have this amazing opportunity. I feel truly blessed, inspired, and raring to go on Monday morning.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Levitan
Tip Top Table!
Funded Nov 27, 2018Thank you so much for your generous support of my classroom! I am so excited to have this new table in my classroom and my students are as well! Now we have plenty of room for everyone to work! We have extra seats available for when friends from another class join us for some inclusion work. It is so important that our furniture welcomes visitors to our space!
My students were thrilled to see the new table and even more excited when they were assigned new seats to sit at. It is always exciting to have new friends to sit with.
Thank you again for your kind generosity and know that we are are thrilled with out new table!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Levitan