Past projects 5
You're Not Forgotten
Funded Jan 7, 2019WOO-HOO!!
With this final purchase of two more Hewlitt Packard Google Chromebooks, I finally believe we are done. It has been a long and exhausting two year fund raising effort. We held bake sales. We wrote letters to local businesses. We sold pop tarts in the classroom to any hungry child with a dollar. We now have twenty-two marching Hewlitt Packard Google Chromebooks in the classroom. The largest class is twenty-two, so we now have a 1:1 classroom. We use the Chromebooks literally every day.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Keenan
You're Not Forgotten
Funded Nov 9, 2018We started fundraising for Hewlett Packard Goggle Chromebooks mid-way through last year. We were able to raise enough funds for 10 HP Goggle Chromebooks over the course of 4 months. This year's classes decided they, too wanted to raise funds to get even more Goggle Chromebooks. So we began our journey to 20 classroom laptops. It's been an wonderful experience working with a new crew to fundraise. We have now completed our goal of earning enough money through community donations, bake sales, and family support to buy our last set of 5 laptops. We will now have 20 laptops in the classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Keenan
You're Not Forgotten
Funded Oct 8, 2018We've been sharing 10-year-old laptop for several years. This wasn't too much of a hassle until two years ago when our public school district moved to Google Classroom. After attending the workshop on the opportunities available through it, I was blown away thinking of all the ways I could bring my students into the twenty-first century! The only road block in our way.....lack of reliable up-to-date computers. With your help, we are on our way to a full classroom set of Hewlett-Packard Google Chrome Books!
With gratitude,
Mrs. Keenan
You're Not Forgotten
Funded Mar 27, 2018The impact of adding five more HP Google ChromeBooks to our classroom has been amazing. The first HP Google Chrome Books five we fundraised for changed the way we did business in the classroom, but having five more HP Google Chrome Books allows for at least half of the students in the class to use one each day for writing, revising, research and accessing the curriculum through Google Classroom. We hope to raise more funds so that eventually we will have a full class set of HP Google Chrome Books.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Keenan
You Are Not Forgotten
Funded Dec 9, 2017The students of AP Language and Composition at Westfield High School can now compose, collaborate, edit, and revise during class using the online platform Google Classroom. This type of online work happening in-real-time is where they are headed in their collegiate and career futures.
Your support has inspired them to start the Westfield Writers' Club.
It's a place for ANY student at Westfield High School to come and write.
Open a laptop to work on academic writing or creative writing.
We'll offer feedback, ideas, commentary, praise, helpful criticism....whatever is needed at the time.
They have now begun a new endeavor of fundraising for 5 more Chromebooks!
We are all humbled by your kindness and generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Keenan