Past projects 2
Keep Calm and Write On
Funded Aug 17, 2018Thank you for funding our project, Keep Calm and Write On. The students have been using the dry erase boards, markers and erasers for several weeks now. They have also been using the different fidget toys to help with their attention and focus. I wanted to share how we have been strengthening our writing skills as a result of this project.
We use the dry erase boards daily for every curriculum area. Every student is engaged and minute by minute I know exactly who is grasping the concept and who is not. My students love the boards because they're fun. Mistakes can easily be brushed away during practice and I am saving paper and time from grading. The boards are double sided and will last for years to come. The markers are strong and the points are crush proof which is definitely needed in a first grade classroom.
The fidget toys help our tired hands during writing but also increase focus and concentration while allowing movement and sensory input. They serve as minor distractions to boost productivity while having a calming affect. These tools give children a way of keeping one had busy fidgeting while the other can be writing. It is a win win situation all around.
Thank you again for putting the children first and funding Keep Calm and Write On. The boards and fidget tools combined with the flexible seating in my classroom have made a huge difference in attitude and confidence for all kids. I can't wait to see our writing scores climb!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jablon
Rock and Wobble!
Funded Apr 18, 2018Imagine my surprise when the flexible seating from Amazon appeared less than 3 weeks in my first grade classroom. The students couldn't wait to try out the wobble stools, air cushions and fidget feet bands. We have been using the materials for several weeks now and couldn't wait to thank you and share our thoughts regarding flexible seating.
First of all, flexible seating gives us options. We can sit, kneel, wiggle, lean and roll to release our extra energy all while building our core strength. We can easily pair up on the floor and now we have a choice where to sit. We like to have some control over our environment. We are also learning to share supplies and take turns. We have a flexible seating rule chart. It is easy to follow because we are motivated to earn and keep our spots. The soft cushions work well on the floor and provide gentle stimulation while on the hard classroom chairs. We are productive but we have fun.
My classroom engages in many Kagan structures and strategies. Using flexible seating allows us to quickly and easily pair up to work in small groups or to discuss as a whole group. We can establish eye contact with one another and our class community becomes stronger. The seating options provide sensory input for students to focus and process information. Sensory input is especially helpful for students with ADHD, ADD and ASD.
It is the end of the year and my students love coming to school and learning. They couldn't be happier. I hope more teachers are willing to embrace this change in their learning environment. The results are a more active, engaged, enthusiastic and relaxed room of students. Well worth the effort. Thank you again for making this dream of mine a classroom reality.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jablon