Past projects 59
Once Upon a Time . . .
Funded Mar 3, 2018Thank you for giving my students the chance to record their own version of a fairy tale. We used our new iPad to record our version of The Three Little Pigs. We read several different versions of the story and discussed how they were alike and different. The loved hearing the different stories and then we came up with one of our own. Some of the pictures you see are where our narrator is telling the story as the other children act out The Three Little Pigs. We added several parts so everyone could take a part in our play.
We changed the storyline by adding several peddlers carrying different wares. The first pig sees some peddlers who were selling pillows. The peddlers help the pig make his house. Then the next pig meets some peddlers who are selling books. He buys the books and the peddlers help him build his house. The last little pig buys some bricks from some peddlers and they also help him build a sturdy house. When the big bad wolf comes, he is able to blow down the first two pigs homes. The two pigs run to the home built of bricks. The wolf isn't able to blow down the third little pig's house. The pigs live happily ever after.
My students loved acting out the play. They ever act out the story during recess. Thanks so much for providing my students with a way to record their stories.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kellenberger
This classroom project was brought to life by AT&T and 38 other donors.Erasable Literacy and Math Games
Funded Mar 13, 2018I am forever grateful for your generous donations. My student love to hear the words Donors Choose. They get so excited when boxes are delivered to our room. Everyone wants to be the one to get to open each and every package. The boxes for this project were heavy and several were ripped. It was neat to watch them open the boxes and give suggestions about what they thought was in their box.
We love our new folders, sleeve protectors, and cardstock. I was able to copy my Teacher by Teacher literacy and math games on our new cardstock. I have some great mothers that helped put the games together in our the folders with the strong sleeve protectors. The sleeve protectors are going to help preserve my materials for a long time. Thank you for providing for my students. The new literacy and math games are going to be providing my students with learning that they enjoy doing. Thank you so much for providing for my students and me.
Our one of our next project is to get some Lucid Audio HearMuffs Kids Hearing Protection headphones for my students who need to tune out the extra noise in the classroom so they can concentrate.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kellenberger
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 6 other donors.Inspiring Life Long Writers
Funded Jan 30, 2018My children love our new materials for our art/writing center. Thank you, Dr. Jeremy & Amanda Sturgell, Janel Kellenberger and Laura Edwards for your generous donations towards this project.
Many boxes arrived at different times with all of our new art/writing supplies. The children wanted to open them as we got them but I made them wait until we had them all, so we could go over all the pieces. We are still waiting for one small paper punch.
I now have several new children coming to the art/writing center- thanks to all the colorful paper and paper punches and cutters that you all donated. They have created some unique masterpieces.
We had a big discussion about how not to waste the paper by putting our scraps in a scrap box for others to use. Most of the children are using the colorful paper without wasting it. Some of the students are becoming good little police. They are finding good pieces of paper in the trash and putting it back in the scrap box.
I now need a great place to store all of my art/writing supplies, so I have created a project through DonorsChoose called Help! Where's the glue?”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kellenberger
This classroom project was brought to life by The First Million Fund and 4 other donors.Flexible Choices Create Happy Students
Funded Jan 26, 2018What a pleasure to have our packages come today for both my students and me. I had told my students earlier that they would come tomorrow. Their eyes lit up when they saw all the packages come rolling into our classroom. As you can see in the pictures, everyone was excited to be able to open the boxes and see our new lap trays. One little girl immediately went and got her supplies to begin using the lap trays even though it was time to go home.
My students love to use them during writing, reading, and literacy centers. The lap trays are great for holding supplies to keep my students organized. They ask to use them for everything we do in our classroom.
They can't wait until it gets warm enough so we can have class outside. The lap trays are light so my students will be able to carry their supplies to create an outdoor classroom. Yeah!! :)”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kellenberger
This classroom project was brought to life by The First Million Fund and 7 other donors.Inspire Mathematicians at Home
Funded Dec 14, 2017I told my students what a blessing you were for our classroom. It is so exciting to see all the different math materials that will instill learning in my students. They were so excited to see the new math tools. We opened one right away and played it together.
We are trying to learn how to play each type of game before we check them out to send home.
It is so encouraging to see the children get excited when they figure out an answer.
One of our next projects is to spiff up our writing and art area with pretty paper, paper cutters, and twistable colored pencils to encourage more students to come work on writing.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kellenberger
This classroom project was brought to life by Overdeck Family Foundation and Simons Foundation and 3 other donors.Wiggly Wobbly and Soft Seating for Active Kindergartners
Funded Dec 8, 2017My students and I want to thank you so much for donating so we could purchase two Wobble chairs and soft seats for everyone in our classroom. We already had a few Wobble chairs but they were too tall for some of my students, so the new ones are just right for the shorter students in my class. They are thrilled to be able to seat on a wobble seat without the fear of falling off. The soft seats were a big hit with everyone. They liked them so much that some of them thought they could take them home with them at the end of the day.
My students are using the soft seats during large group time when we are on the carpet and independent reading time. They love to use them at rest time also. All of my students can use the Wobble chairs during center time and our news student of the day and student of the week each get a Wobble chair for the day.
Having flexible seating for my students improves their attention and reduces their off-task behaviors. It helps permit my students to fidget without disrupting their peers.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kellenberger
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 8 other donors.Enhancing Imagination Magna-Tile Creations
Funded Dec 23, 2017My students love all of their magnetic building blocks. We have several sets but they would love some more, so thank you so much for donating to our classroom. Our packages always seem to come at the end of the day, so we're opening them right before we leave for the day.
They were so excited to get the windows, domes, and doors to add to their creations. Yesterday we had some pretty unique creations with a zoo that had tunnels, a grain cart that held- money :), and cars with domes on them.
Our next project is getting twistable colored pencils, colored paper, and an assortment of paper punches to inspiring lifelong writers for our writing and art center.
We couldn't do it without you wonderful donors! :)”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kellenberger
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Donor and 7 other donors.Magna-Tiles Create Masterminds
Funded Nov 28, 2017We received the Magna-Tile Cars at the end of the day so the children weren't able to play with them until the next day. They were thrilled that there would be enough cars for all the students in our classroom to design their own project and wanted to start right away. The next day one little boy asked right away where I put the Magna-Tile Cars.
They have built new and creative modes of transportation every day since we received the packages in the mail. They have made spider cars, mobile motels, combines, flying cars, animal trailers, and so much more than I ever imagined. They love their Magna-Tile Cars and Magna-Tile set.
They still love to build buildings, so I have another DC project up that is asking for some Shapemags and Stick N Stack domes, arches, tunnels, rounded windows, square windows, doors, and fences to add to their Magna Tiles. Today one of the students made a cool looking tower but arches and windows would have made it really stand out. I think I have the makings of some future architects. :)”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kellenberger
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Donor and 7 other donors.Many Marvelous Minds with Magna-Tiles
Funded Nov 13, 2017We received our Magna-Tile package at the very end of the day during our afternoon play time. I made the children clean up first, so we could open the package together. They were ecstatic as I was opening the boxes. They kept on saying "This rocks" as I was pulling out all of the tiles. One student said, "We could build towers as big as me." Another one said, "Maybe we could build a garage for all of us to go in." I said," You'll have to try tomorrow. "
The next day, the children all wanted to build something. Several students built garages for their cars and trucks. One little boy and girl were building a star. A couple of the students wanted to build a tower taller than them. But realized that they need all the pieces to do this project, so everyone dissembled their projects and started to help. It came down several times as they were building it. Finally someone said, "We have to make it more sturdy. We can't use these little triangles to make our squares because they break easier. " A tower was finally completed with it being taller that our tallest student.
I thought by receiving 2-100 piece Magna-Tile sets that we would be set for tiles in our classroom but just the other day one of my little girls was crying because she didn't have enough tiles to build her castle. So I am working on another DC project to get some Magna-Tile expansion sets to hopefully alleviate this problem. I thought the children would love to make their own vehicles for their garages and tunnels so one of the sets I am asking for is the Magna-Tile Car Expansion set.
Thanks again for all your support to education.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kellenberger
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Donor and 3 other donors.