Past projects 13
Hello! Hola! Bonjour! Xin Chào!
Funded Nov 7, 2024Thank you so much for making this project possible for my students. The plan has been to use the devices as I move around campus and meet with students in their classrooms. With 65% of our population speaking Spanish, it is not feasible to call our language translation line or type into Google Translate. Students are prohibited from using their cellular devices on campus with a new state law passed in prior to the start of the academic year.
With the new legislation comes new changes. I have been able to utilize the tablet with our parents and guardian during meetings that occur away from my office computer.
The AI voice translator has been slow getting started with using it. We had a major technology push this past summer which hindered access to the Internet for non-district assigned devices. This is now the one that I wear around my next to communicate with our students as I am moving throughout our 36-acre campus. These devices have been a godsend to me and our students. Even though I don't have one for each faculty & staff with 2,400+ students, what I do have has definitely benefited many of our students and parents. These devices have helped to foster & encourage stronger relationships.
I like to be clear about how I am using the project. I want the donors to be able to visualize how their generosity has made an impact in our school community. I feel that there is so much more that I can do for your students, campus and community thanks to Donors Choose.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Battiste
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Supporter and 6 other donors.Bear Bucks Treats!
Funded May 18, 2024Thank you so much for making this project possible for my fantastic high schoolers. We received our project materials in mid-August. The plan was to incorporate them into our PBIS store, but things changed. Sadly, our principal retired and we gained a new lead principal. With the new administration comes new changes. I have been able to store the treats in my office so when students come for daily or weekly check-ins with me, the campus behavior intervention teacher there is a snack to offer as a reward, those that miss lunch, etc. They are so grateful for the addition to campus, especially those that don't always have funds for concessions sold on campus. They were ecstatic to know that so many people supported them and helped fund our project.
I will explore more opportunities to support my students throughout this academic year with the donations from Donors Choose and you all. The materials are a blessing to our campus. Even though I don't have enough for all 2,400+ students, what we received will definitely benefit most of our students and be used to foster & encourage relationships.
I always make sure I am really specific about how I am using the project. I try to use as many descriptive words to help the donors visualize how their generosity has made the difference by helping fund the project. I feel that there is so much more that I can do for your students, campus and community thanks to organizations like Donors Choose, Michael Jordan and the Jordan Brand.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Battiste
This classroom project was brought to life by Michael Jordan and The Jordan Brand and 6 other donors.Treats for Boosting Our Behavior
Funded Oct 13, 2022The relationship I have been developing with my students grows everyday. By displaying my commitment to them, the students have become more open to taking chances academically. We are a traditional high school with students with special needs, language limitations, academic struggles, and behavioral challenges. Knowing that my students come from challenging home lives, where most don't have stable parental guidance, consistent income, food and shelter security, etc. this project has provided a since of support and care for them. Positive behavior initiatives and rewards help motivate our students that struggle with any learning deficits they may encounter.
Each student is aware of our campus wide positive behavior initiatives and when they make progress, they earn rewards and treats. Many students continue to improve their behaviors and work hard for their treats. This project has allowed me to ensure that their experience on our campus is a positive one and having this reward system does just that!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Battiste
Let's Bring It Together!
Funded Oct 13, 2022The materials and supplies we received have made it to their reserved locations. The file holders/organizers have gotten great exercise since we have been using them. The earbuds have been so beneficial. They have been able to listen to videos for character traits as well as assignments for their normal instructional classes. They have also allowed students in our English Language Learners population to listen to translated audio books and videos. Our personal journals are coming along thanks to the toner. The donations to this project have brought these necessary components to our SEL/character program to give my students' the ability to recognize positive ways to improve their interactions with peers and adults. The fulfillment of this project is helping my students to see themselves as valued, worthy, and necessary in our society. We will continue to use these materials to aid us in the process of becoming life-long learners. As the teacher/facilitator, I am continuously doing research and reading on social-emotional learning for teenagers and young adults. Thank you so much for your tremendous support to make this project a reality!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Battiste
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 8 other donors.Social-Emotional Learning: Under Construction!
Funded Jun 30, 2022These various texts are providing great resources that are supporting our students' social-emotional learning and keeping our campus on track toward a more transformative school community. My professional library is growing by leap and bounds to supplement my at work as our campus behavior interventionist and my post graduate studies.
These materials have been a tremendous benefit toward developing a stronger alternative to in-school suspension on our campus. My students continue to show an astonishing capacity to be open and share their challenges, and this project is assisting me in my efforts to enrich their high school years and experiences.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Battiste
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose community & an Anonymous Partner and 3 other donors.A Solution to Our Problem!
Funded Jan 26, 2022Now, when students are assigned to my class for in-school suspension, they are better equip to complete their Algebra and Geometry assignments. With the help of our two new TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculators my students are able to work with through all components of their assignments and know that they can complete practice problems with confidence. They also love the fact that they do not have to wait on the teacher to decide if they will send a calculator for them to use while in in-school suspension.
Our new Brother monochrome laser printer arrived just in the nick of time! The printing element of our previous one has gone out and our district's technology department no longer works on them. So, now students are able to clearly see the assignments I print from their teachers with no issues. Trying to read a worksheet filled with gray and white streaks proved to be quite a challenge for many of my 9th through 12th graders. This printer even allows them to scan completed assignments and email them to their teachers to receive participation credit as well as for grading purposes.
Thank you so much for your consistent and constant support of public education. There are never enough thank yous for all that you do for our students!!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Battiste
This classroom project was brought to life by Panda Cares and 7 other donors.Nothing but the Basics
Funded Oct 12, 2021Returning to campus from the aftermath of Hurricane Ida and seeing the multiple areas that were impacted on our campus was extremely devastating. The damage to our campus was nothing compared to the devastation to our neighborhoods and students homes. So many of students and staff members were severely impacted and lost everything! We even lost students to other school districts and surrounding states.
To make the transition back to school after 23 days of instructional loss, my students and I compiled a list of the most important materials we needed to get back into the swing of things. We realized that with the internet service needing time to be brought back online we had to move fast.
My students and parents are so grateful that teaching and learning can continue without an additional financial burden. Knowing that they can easily access necessary supplies has made getting back in to the a normal routine a extremely smooth transition.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Battiste
This classroom project was brought to life by Chevron and 5 other donors.Social-Emotional Learning for High School
Funded Aug 26, 2021I have never seen high school students get so excited about a green hanging folder with a flexible plastic and paper name label. That sense of ownership is so powerful for them. To know that they have a fresh, semi-private, secure place to store material & worksheets from our activities means so much to them.
The cleaning/disinfectant products are so meaningful to my students that still harbor anxieties regarding COVID-19 and being back on campus in-person full time. And I am sure your know that safety pins are a teacher's best friend when it comes to busted zippers, popped buttons, and ripped fabric. Being able to have a quick DIY mend to a uniform or backpack during the day provides great mental peace the students.
The seven social emotional learning and therapy texts are a great way to have focused conversations with students that struggle. These texts help to provide structured intervention group sessions with students on my campus "hot list". They also give me valuable resources to share with teachers that are struggling with classroom management in their classes.
Thank you so much for being so supportive to all the stakeholders on our campus!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Battiste
This classroom project was brought to life by Kleenex® Brand and 5 other donors.Honey, It’s Cold in Here!
Funded Oct 27, 2021My students are in love! We have set both heater up (one in the front and one in the back of our classroom) as soon as we pulled them from their shipping boxes. The temperatures in our classroom has ranged between 57 to 67 degrees throughout our week. Now that we have the heaters the classroom has become much more comfortable.
When my students first saw them they were under the assumption that I had new fans in the room until one went to investigate. When they realized they were heaters I couldn't drag them away. Several students have taken to sitting on the floor in front of the units and completing their work.
In December, I plan to host a "Cocoa -N- Classics" event prior to our departure for the winter holiday break. After exams are submitted, I will pick up my behavior intervention groups (one group per day) and we will wind down with classic Christmas cartoons, hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, festive cookies and accountable conversations.
I hope you get a sense of how grateful my students are for a warmer classroom and how thankful I am to have the opportunity to bring this bit of classroom luxury to them with and phenomenal supporters like you. Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Battiste
This classroom project was brought to life by Townsend Press and 3 other donors.Getting Ready for Virtual Teaching!
Funded Jan 5, 2021The ability to conduct hybrid (virtual & in-person) classes on two laptop computers, has given me the maximum potential to multi-task and access resources both online and in my library of digital resources. This has been the set-up for my in-person and virtual 'classroom' on campus. There's no match for a computer with a massive screen or even two screens, so I can keep an eye on my students and our virtual chat all the time, even while opening, presenting, and sharing other things. There is no more struggling to manage everything from one device and increased productivity.
The Lenovo - IdeaPad 3 15" Laptop I requested offers great memory, a large amount of storage, and quick access & speed to navigate the multiple sites I access for my classes. It's thin and lightweight when transporting back and forth between home to work.
Having this second device for everyday tasks has allowed me to toggle through multiple sites or present my screen to my students, view all students during instructional time, and submit my class attendance at the same time and even use this device as a backup when the district device is simply loading.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Battiste