Past projects 6
Wiggle While You Work
Funded Nov 7, 2019Thank-you for funding our project, Wiggle While You Work. I am so excited to bring the project to life. Students will get the opportunity to work in an environment that best fits the physical needs of their body. Students will no longer feel confined to a chair with the inability to move. Thank you again for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hidalgo
Math Made Easy
Funded Oct 10, 2018Since the arrival of the math resources, students have jumped into learning. Students are more engaged and are more curious about learning.
During our academic time, struggling students stay in the classroom with me for extra remediation and assistance. This time has always been one that students dread. Now the kids are excited about coming to academic and they want to learn. The games have become a fun and interactive way for them to learn. Not every child learns the same.
I will continue to use these amazing resources with struggling students. It seems that they have had the greatest impact on those learners. For the first time in a long time, they feel success.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hidalgo
This classroom project was brought to life by Chevron Fuel Your School.1:1 Chromebook Fun
Funded Oct 12, 2017We can not thank you enough for donating a Chrome book to our classroom. The impact it has had on student learning has been remarkable. Your gift has help students learn in the way of the future. Many of us use, technology and not paper-pencil in the workplace, daily. By exposing our children to technology now, we are better preparing them for the future.
Furthermore, since implementing the Chromebook in the classroom, I have seen a drastic increase in weekly test scores. Students are engaged, curious, and ready to learn. Your gift has helped our students more than you can possibly imagine.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hidalgo
Learning Mini Style
Funded Oct 7, 2014I can't thank you enough for supporting my class as they embark onto a new journey. Due to your funding, my classroom, received 5 iPad minis. As soon as the iPad minis arrived, the students were eager to begin exploring all that the world had to offer.
Students use the iPad minis on a daily basis to complete math and reading assignments. The iPad minis have made it easier to conduct assessments. Without the iPad minis our classroom environment would not be as productive.
With the use of the iPad minis, I have seen a remarkable growth in the children's test scores. Students were able to exceed growth expectations for the year.
I can't thank you enough.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hidalgo
Time Travellers
Funded Nov 5, 2013Thank you so much for the gear clocks! They arrived just in time for the curriculum unit on time. My students were able to use the gear clocks to learn the correct way to show time on a clock.
When the package arrived in the mail, the students were jumping out of their chairs! They were so excited to see that our project was completely funded. We feel honored that you have choose us. Upon opening the box, the students became even more excited to see what was inside! The gear clocks had arrived just in time for the telling time unit.
The students couldn't wait until math, so they could get their hands on the clocks. They no longer had to share and I no longer had to worry about whether or not they were actually understanding how to read a clock. Before now, I've had to worry about students placing the clock hands in the correct location. Especially for a time like 6:30. In the past students would put the minute hand on the six instead of between the six and seven. As you know, this is not correct. The gear clocks have completely solved this problem and I no longer have to worry about where they put the minute hand.
Thank you again for your support and dedication to enriching the education of my students. They are our future.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hidalgo
Discovering Science Through Literacy
Funded Jan 5, 2011Thank you very much for playing such an important role in the education of my young students. I had several important goals in mind for this project. One goal was to increase my students' interest in non-fiction topics. The second was to nurture each child's individual needs, by providing reading materials on many different levels. The third goal was to increase each child's success on future high stakes tests. By providing your help, you have made these goals attainable.
Children are naturally drawn to things that interest them. Many people don't realize that those things are non-fiction topics. Children love to talk about volcanoes, race cars, presidents, horses, airplanes, space, dinosaurs, and so much more. It is hard to believe that even though children love to read about science and social studies there are fewer books on those topics. If we can feed their curiosity then their want and willingness to learn will continue to stay strong. Thanks to you our classroom is exploding with so many non-fiction books on a variety of topics.
Meeting a child's individual learning needs can be quite difficult without any interesting reading materials. Research shows that students who are instructed on his/her individual reading level or more likely to become successful readers. Teaching a child on his/her level will alleviate a student's burden of frustration and will eliminate the possibility of a child becoming bored. It is so important to set a strong foundation for reading by making sure that students are neither bored nor frustrated. Now we have several different levels of books for students to be confident at his/her own level.
Our school's high stakes testing scores have shown a weakness in both science and social studies. Unfortunately, one large reason for that is a lack of time in the day. We spend a large majority of the day teaching reading and math. One of the goals for this project was to be able to incorporate science and social studies into reading. This will provide the opportunity to teach two subjects at one time. This is a great way to keep my students successful and interested in what they are learning. Through this project my students will have a higher chance at being proficient in both science and social studies on high stakes tests in the future.
It is so important to set the foundation for learning. If a child becomes frustrated early on in life then he/she may give up on learning altogether. On the other side, a child may be so bored that he/she begins to get into trouble. By providing non-fiction reading materials on different reading levels, we have held the interest of the students as well as provided them with material that is neither too hard nor too easy to be read and understood. This project will benefit the students in the short and long term as well as future students. It was designed to be used for many years. Thank you so much for providing my students with the opportunity to succeed. All children deserve success and nothing less. ”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hidalgo