Past projects 10
Tools for an Empowered Classroom Community
Funded Mar 2, 2023Thank you so much for your generous donation to my classroom. The items you helped me purchase came just in the nick of time. They had an undeniable impact and made the rest of the spring semester run very smoothly.
The Bingo game became a fast favorite with my English learners. Many of the students who really struggled to learn English would make a real effort at learning their numbers so they could play this game with their classmates.
The gift cards were also a hit. Some students had never been to Starbucks before, so they were a real novelty and a big motivator to follow class routines and compete for table points.
I couldn't have afforded these delightful things for my students without your help. I truly appreciate your generosity and my students do as well.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Geneva
This classroom project was brought to life by A Northern California family and one other donor.Classroom Library for English Learners
Funded Dec 5, 2019Thank you so much for making my classroom library possible! I can’t wait to organize all of my books so theyre easy for students to browse through. This is going to be a huge improvement on my current system (a bunch of boxes). I know having the books within easy reach is going to emphasize the importance of reading in my class, and I can’t wait to see how my English learners will benefit. I really appreciate your support!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Geneva
The 57 Bus for Bay Area English Learners
Funded Sep 12, 2019Thank you so much for helping me get these books for my classroom so quickly! I can’t wait to teach this book! It’s going to be an incredible tool for nurturing empathy and understanding the importance of differing perspectives. I just know my students will love it! Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Geneva
Speak: The Perfect Graphic Novel for English Learners
Funded Sep 10, 2019Thank you so much for helping me get these books into my students' hands! I'm SO excited to teach a graphic novel this year. After we read Speak, I plan to use it as a mentor text and have students create their own graphic novels. I'm so grateful that you've all made this possible!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Geneva
Everyday ELD Materials
Funded Feb 21, 2019Thank you so much for providing us with extra notebooks for my ELD classroom. These notebooks have been used every single day in ELD. Every student gets a notebook on their first day of my class. My class sizes have doubled this year with the recent arrival of many newcomer immigrants. I ran out of notebooks in January, but due to your generous donations I was able to keep supplying my students with this fundamental learning tool.
The notebook is where students practice working with English grammar, spelling, and new vocabulary. They use their notebook as a reference for everything they learn throughout the year. They develop their ideas in their notebook, they correct sentences, and they do their warm ups. It's a consistent and reliable structure that I find it very important to provide to my students. Providing structure and consistency helps my students feel safe and when they feel safe they are enabled to learn more efficiently. Thank you for giving my students these opportunities.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Geneva
Engaging Accessible Content for English Learners
Funded Sep 19, 2018Like many public schools in California, our book room was in desperate need of new books for our students to read. I was delighted to be able to teach two new titles this year due to your generous donations to my classroom.
My English learners LOVED reading "I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter" by Erica Sanchez. Many said it was the first novel they had ever finished in English. They really connected with the themes and were able to engage in the discussions because they really kept up with the reading. We were also able to conduct literature circles with the graphic novel adaptation of "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.
These two titles were used to teach theme, tone, characterization, and analysis. In their final presentations of learning, students mentioned that they had grown their English vocabulary tremendously because of reading these two texts.
Thank you for making it possible for me to teach such relevant and current literature in my classroom. My students and I really appreciate your support.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Geneva
Survival English Materials for Newcomer Immigrants
Funded Jan 24, 2019Thank you so much for donating to my classroom. The curriculum you've helped purchase has made it possible to teach a lot of relevant English to my ELD 1 students.The Spanish/English translators are well worn at this point. We were able to use them during literature circles and independent reading every week. Many students had never used a translator before!
These developed materials were shared widely with other ELD teachers. They were just what our ELD department needed to move our level one English learners forward. We used these resources to supplement our current curriculum as we continued to teach in a way that was relevant to our newcomer students.
I will continue to use all of these materials in the upcoming school year. Thank you for providing us with sustainable and relevant curriculum. It was definitely needed and has made an incredible impact on our students!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Geneva
Color Us Grateful
Funded Nov 15, 2018Thank you so much for your contribution to my classroom this year. Having a color printer in the room has been HUGE. It has really helped the English learners here at Tennyson High School. My students benefit immensely from having a visually rich environment, but it's hard to create a visually rich classroom without access to colorful images. This year, the printer was used to make word walls, print signs, and develop quality materials for the students.
We've definitely gotten a lot of use out of the class pack of color pencils and dry erase markers. We have done plenty of art projects, self care activities, and more rigorous academic learning using these donations.
I appreciate what you've made possible in my classroom this year, and I hope you know my students and l are very grateful for your help!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Geneva
Who Controls Our Destiny?: Class Set of Oedipus the King
Funded Oct 1, 2017Thank you so much for donating the class set of Oedipus the King by Sophocles to Tennyson High School. Now, many classes (not just my sheltered English students) can use the books year after year and learn the enduring story of Oedipus. My students really struggled with this play because the language is very advanced, but in the end it was a wonderful opportunity for them to grow their speaking, reading, and writing skills in English.
We are still building towards our final project, but the students are very engaged and have thrown themselves fully into acting out the story, analyzing the character, and discussing the essential questions at the heart of Oedipus the King. We are very grateful for your donation and I feel strongly that you have helped not just my students, but many students grow academically.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Geneva
Starter Classroom for New ESL Teacher at Title I School
Funded Sep 10, 2017Thank you so much for donating to my new classroom. The supplies you've helped purchase have made so many class activities possible over the past few months. It has been a huge relief to know that there are crayons, markers, and paper at the ready. We have used them to map out all of the vocabulary we have learned to describe Tennyson High School, to chart out everything we know about nouns, verbs, and adjectives, to make flash cards each week, and to decorate our reference notebooks and ELD binders. You have facilitated a lot of learning with your donation and my students and I truly appreciate your help!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Geneva