Past projects 2
IPads for Literacy and Math
Funded Feb 6, 2015Thank you very much for your generous donations! Our second grade class now has IPads for reading, math and endless other enriching activities. You've really made a difference in access to quality technology for our students! Our students come from families with hardships. With a population of almost 90% free and reduced lunch, many of our students don't have access to technology at home. Our building library has limited funding and resources. Donors, you have helped fill that gap!
The students often have to share one desktop computer with several students, but not anymore! They are so excited to have the luxury of IPads for small group work. Our students are coming to school excited to learn! You've helped make the most of their learning. You all, participated in inspiring students to go further and become life long readers.
Thank you for giving our students the best possible opportunities learn. You've provided them with the technology they deserve. They know that people out there think they are worthy, because they are. Your donations truly made a difference!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Clark
Help Us Read! We Need Books!
Funded Nov 16, 2012Thank you all much for your generous donations! Our third grade classes now have full sets of chapter books. You've really made a difference in access to quality literature for our students! Our students come from families with hardships. With a population of almost 90% free and reduced lunch, many of our students don't have literature at home. Parents cannot afford to buy copies of books for students to use in class. Our building library has limited funding and resources. Donors, you have helped fill that gap!
The students often have to share a set of 12-15 chapter books among 30 students, but not anymore! They are so excited to each hold their own copy of a new chapter book. Our students are coming to school excited to learn! You've helped make the most of their learning. You all, participated in inspiring students to go further and become life long readers.
Thank you for giving our students the best possible opportunities to read. You've provided them with the new books they deserve. They have the luxury of reading crisp books, that aren't taped or torn. They know that people out there think they are worthy, because they are. Your donations truly made a difference!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Clark