"Pro"Ficient Students With an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil!

Funded Nov 30, 2018

Thank you all so much for the love and support you give our class! My students have loved having the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil! The iPad Pro and Apple Pencil that you helped donate to our classroom is helping our class in many ways.

We have been able to use the iPad Pro to project our work (while we work) so others can see what we are doing. We were able to use the iPad Pro to play our song we were practicing for our school Leadership Day performance.

We use the iPad in our class everyday in so many ways. As a teacher, I have loved using the iPad Pro as my Teacher Plan Book. I love taking pictures of students while they are learning in hopes I catch that moment in which things "click" and they understand something they had been struggling with. That moment of pure joy, pride and confidence, happens only in a split second. When I am able to capture that moment and show the students, it brings them another wave of confidence and reminds them that they can do anything!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Hoffman