Past projects 9
Engaging STEM Materials!
Funded Sep 20, 2023You all something wonderful happened after opening all of the stem materials... children engaged in play, built oral language, learned to problem solve in a group setting, and last but not least there was lots of smiling and laughter and the joy of being a child was ever so present! Thank you all for being so generous! And adding on to our learning journey. We appreciate you being part of our community and helping it continuing to thrive! We will continue to keep creating, learning, playing, and making meaningful friendships through the rest of the year.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fumero
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 3 other donors.Benches and Books
Funded Oct 25, 2022Thank you so much for your donations! The bench is one of our favorite places in the classroom. Many great stories have been told and many retellings of stories have been heard on this bench.
When the bench arrived students were not in school so I was able to set it up before they got to school. It was the first thing they noticed in the classroom. The students were so excited and over joyed they all wanted to sit on it at the same time.
Our next project we will be looking to get some steam materials for our classroom. The students this year are very eager to build and create new shapes but there aren't enough materials now. So please look out for our next project.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fumero
Budding Artists pt.2
Funded Feb 10, 2020Thank you very much for your generous donations. All of your donations have completed the funding for my project. My students are going to be so excited to create and mix during guided art time. We can not wait till our materials arrive to begin creating in our kindergarten classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fumero
Budding Artists
Funded Oct 2, 2019My students said "you all rock" and "thank you very much"! We use our paint sticks once a week when we do guided drawing. They have come to look forward to this day because they know that they will be using the paint sticks. They have actually asked for additional colors. The last project we did was guided tiger drawings and they came out amazing, please look at the photos, there are some examples.
The first time they saw the box come into the room they were so excited to open the box. I built up the anticipation and had them wait to till the day off the day. This really built upon their excitement and when I explained to them what they were and how they work, their little minds were blown! This feeling made my heart complete.
A little more on the inside of my classroom: my students are currently working on a planting unit and learning about living and non-living. They are very excited to be farmers for a day.
Thank you very for your generous donations, you have opened their hearts and mind to the arts.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fumero
Flexible Seating Creates Growth in Students!
Funded Aug 20, 2019Thank you for being kind in offering your donations to our classroom. Flexible seating is the 21st century way. Students are able to choose where they would like to sit and understand that if it is not the right place for them they can move to a different seat.
The materials arrived one afternoon and when the students saw the boxes being delivered to our room their face lit up with joy. The students were very excited to open our new chairs and use them in the classroom. All the students would sit on the stools all the time if allowed.
Our first experience using the stools, students sat down and began to twist and turn about as the chairs allow for movement. The buzz in the air after receiving our stools was quite electrifying. And we have been very careful as to maintaining and keeping them clean. The students now ask to wipe down the stools after snack so that they don't get dirty. We are LOVING our new flexible seating! Thank you again for you generous donation.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fumero
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 7 other donors.Focused Flexible Seating Part 2
Funded Dec 28, 2018I am truly appreciative of your generous donations. Our new seats in our classroom are truly a blessing this year. The students work so quietly in these firm but comfortable cube seats. It is especially great for one of our particular students who generally sits in a wheelchair. She is able to transition herself in and out of the wheelchair and sit on the stool independently. When our materials arrived the students were absolutely ecstatic and couldn't wait for me to put them out. Students were very excited to sit on these cube seats and it has improved their posture when sitting and provides for a different seating option besides a hard chair. These seats have really provided all of the students a comfortable learning environment, and look forward to possibly adding more cubes like this in our classroom. Again your generous donations has created a great impact in my students ability to maintain focus while also getting sensory input in appropriate ways. The students and I thank you for your support.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fumero
Focused Flexible Seating
Funded Dec 28, 2018I am truly appreciative of your generous donations. Our new seats in our classroom are truly a blessing this year. The students work so quietly while being able to move around in their seats. The seats are really great for all my students, however adults are loving them as well, and students with specific attention issues really benefit from having sensory input while working. When our materials arrived the students were absolutely ecstatic and couldn't wait for me to put them out. At first it became an issue because no one wanted to sit in the plain chairs, but after a few days and being cycled through the different seating options the students adjusted their excitement and began to really be able to sit and focus. These seats have really provided all of the students a comfortable learning environment, that we are hoping to add more stools to our tables in the future. Again your generous donations has created a great impact in my students ability to maintain focus while also getting sensory input in appropriate ways. The students and I thank you for your support.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fumero
Headphones! Headphones!
Funded Sep 15, 2017Thank you for your generous donation! Because of you the 21 students in my classroom are able to access our computer program successfully. The headphones are a gateway to our successful learning environment. Students are able to use the headphones when you using the IPADs and PC. The headphones give each student the opportunity to hear the directions, songs, and pronunciation of words from our computer programs (ST Math and Imagine Learning).
The OWL headphones are were quite a hit with the students they absolutely love the design and are very excited that they do not fall off and fit their ears in a gentle way. One student said " Mrs. Fumero, where did we get these from, they are so cute and they fit me, now I can hear and you don't have to help me."
In closing, my students and I are very appreciative of your generous donation and are grateful for gateway to our learning success.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fumero
Curious Kinders Need Clean New Spacious Rug
Funded Nov 26, 2013Your gracious donation is greatly appreciated. Our carpet could not have come at a better time, we received the carpet the week after our winter vacation. The students were so excited to receive our new carpet. Many of them exclaimed how beautiful it was and expressed their love for the bright colors. Another student said "now you do not have to put tape on the floor, because we will have our own spots in the squares".The parents also became aware of our carpet and they expressed gratitude as well.
You have truly blessed our classroom with this new, fun, and clean carpet. The carpet assists with classroom management and teaches the students about personal space. Instant learning occurred with the arrival of the carpet. Students began counting the squares they also noticed a pattern with 5 spots of each color as well. The students have used the carpet for many purposes: sorting, measuring, partner sharing, and many other engaging activities.
The carpet arrived at a time when the students come back from a two week vacation and this is usually a tough transition. However, having the carpet helped with making the transition easier and gave me something to look forward to using as a new teacher tool. All students were given a clean start to begin the new year. They were assigned new partners and were able to transition better because the carpet made it easier for them to turn and face each other without anyone getting hurt. As of now the students our taking pride in having a new carpet and are taking very good care of it.
I would like to take the time to say that your kindness has deeply impacted my belief in all that matters. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fumero