Love and Fun for Learning

Funded May 2, 2022

Good day to all of you!

I and my students would like to express our deepest gratitude for your contribution to my project " Love and Fun for Learning".

When we received the materials last May, my students were so excited and delighted. They are using right now all the materials like rainbow caterpillars and slime for their locomotor activity. The wiggle seat is awesome because it gave a great impact on my student who is IDMO category. He can focus more now on our activity. It provided him the sensory stimulation regardless of where he sat down. The wiggle wobble chair feet stay him calm too.

I believed that through your donations with the help of Donor Choose, the great impact on my students for having these materials is unforgettable. Keep on giving "Love and Fun for the Learning" to my special kids.”

With gratitude,

Ms. A