Mrs. S, How Does Your Garden Grow?

Funded Mar 16, 2010

I want to thank you for supporting my project. While it is an ongoing process, the students love to examine the columns in the media center to see the new things I have added since their last visit. I have used the products from Donors Choose to embellish and enhance the reading area and to introduce the dewey decimal system. I have created a dewey vine that introduces the 10 dewey categories. I have created a very colorful flower that shows the subcategories of the 500s in the dewey decimal system. I have created a flower that shows the 590s in order to illustrate how Dewey classified animals. I wanted the students to have visual cues in the library that would help them find books on their own. I am looking forward to using the columns in my instruction of the dewey decimal system next year. I know students will enjoy using the information on the columns and ultimately be able to use the library independently. Thank you again for helping me create a beautiful and informative space for my students. ”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Smiley