Past projects 5
Science All Around You
Funded Jan 31, 2019Having access to Science magazines is the best way to spike students' interest in Science. Through this monthly subscription, students will be making real life connections with science and discovering that Science is EVERYWHERE. The beautiful photographs will help them visualize the wonders of Science and enlighten their imaginations. They also will be improving their non-fiction reading skills stories, which is a difficult task for many of them. These magazines will expand their vocabulary and their background knowledge as well.
We thank you again for reaching out to my students and making this project possible.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mares
This classroom project was brought to life by Carol Kupers Whalen Memorial Fund and 4 other donors.Read, Travel, Embrace
Funded Sep 1, 2019Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and support to our passion for Land of Stories. Year after yesr, our fifth grade students are hooked by Chris Colfer's series. Your kind donation will allow my students to travel as far as their imagination takes them.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mares
Colorful Eco-Friendly Minds
Funded Dec 2, 2018I would like to thank you for your generous and thoughtful donation. Thanks to you, my students now enjoy the privilege of a color printer, scanner and copier at the tips of their hands. What students are most excited about is to be able to print materials for their projects in full color. We were so lucky that our brand new printer came in right on time to print out Brainsville Invention' projects! Students were in shock when I got to make a quick copy of a worksheet for our new student, right in front of their eyes, instead of waiting for my planning period. Students will be able to print poems, essays, projects for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Fifth Grade memory books and time capsules. For Science we plan to create collages of ecosystems, food chains and food webs, research biomes, and compare inherited and learned traits. For Social Studies, students will be able to create timelines, biography reports, cause and effect charts for events like the Boston Tea Party, Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, comparing Patriots and Loyalist motives,etc. In Language Arts, students will analyze characters from the novels that we have read already like Tom Sawyer, Holes, Wonder, The Color of my Words, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and Land of Stories. Through your donation, you are empowering our kids to bring their dreams to life in VIVID colors.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mares
This classroom project was brought to life by Verizon and 7 other donors.Think Kind
Funded Mar 27, 2018Our class benefited in many and various ways through your donation. Academically, with a class set of the novel Wonder, we started our unit by taking a survey on bias. We practiced reading and writing skills by responding to writing prompts for each chapter. We analyzed characters and identified point of view. This novel provided extensive exposure to figurative language. But the most valuable skill our students learned was acceptance of diversity, respect of each Other's beliefs, and above all, empathy. Students learned to appreciate and better understand different perspectives, like those of their parents, siblings and teachers. It was a great experience that was only possible because of you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mares
This classroom project was brought to life by Ripple.Wiggly Brains
Funded Nov 23, 2017We are deeply grateful for your support to our Wiggly Brains project. Thanks to your kind donation, our students now arrive to a colorful, cozy environment, that pampers their bodies and minds. We literally had an early Christmas gift as we received our materials before our Thanksgiving Holiday. It was magical to see the kids' faces glow when they arrived and saw a neat box on their desk. As you can imagine, our day was out of the ordinary as kids opened boxes, figured things out and learned on the spot how to inflate their yoga balls and cushions. We had a safety training on how to properly use our yoga balls, cushions and fidget bands, as well as classroom arrangement. We discussed the need to have more space, so we requested for more than half of our chairs to be removed from the classroom. Over the past 3 months, our class has shifted from whole group/small group instruction into an engaging and integrated system of rotations for Language Arts, Math and Science. In our computer center, students are assigned to watch a Science or Math video, study vocabulary, or practice on a variety of websites. In our writing center, we brainstorm with visuals or prompts for all subjects. Students' favorite is the game center, which integrates the use of fidget spinners, dice, playing cards or teacher-made board games. Testing has also been transformed. Students have the option of testing laying on their belly on a rug, body pillow or a yoga mat. In addition, we have whisper phones for students who like to read aloud and headphones for those who prefer silence. It is amazing to see the growth in our students. It seemed a bit chaotic and overcrowded at the beginning, but students have learned to be safe, more considerate and tolerant towards others. Needless to say, students from other classes where amazed at all the things happening in our classroom and perhaps a bit jealous. What surprised me the most was when my students shared their wish for the other children in our school to enjoy a classroom like ours. And all of this would have not been possible, without YOU, our generous sponsors.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mares
This classroom project was brought to life by Sergey Brin Family Foundation and 10 other donors.