Past projects 2
Book Room Organization
Funded Aug 10, 2022I cannot thank you enough for your support in this project. Our book room at McAuliffe is a prized place where teachers can come to choose books, materials, and games to help best support their students' needs. We have had temporary storage with cardboard magazine boxes since our bookroom opened. With your generous donations, we now have an entire wall of our book room organized by brightly colored, large boxes! Our students have been SO excited to see the change happening in our learning space. After hearing me say it multiple times, they walk in, lovingly joking that Mrs. Page is "remodeling again." Our book room truly does look like a classroom now and that is all thanks to you! We are hoping to continue our "remodel" by adding comfortable seating for students to be able to read in and enjoy! With our new book boxes, we also now have a lot more shelf space! Mrs. Rice & I are converting that space into a sound wall and also using the extra storage to place materials on for teachers to check out, along with our books! We truly appreciate your dedication to our community and your donations have truly made a difference. Thank you so very much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Page
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 17 other donors.Kindles for Our Reading Centers
Funded Apr 10, 2016Dear Donors,
More than half of my students are English Language Learners. You have given these students a gift that is unbelievably important. You have given them the opportunity to have access to English AND Spanish leveled reading material at the tips of their fingers. These students are SO excited every time it is their turn to use the Kindles!
This donation has seriously impacted my students! They are learning how to use an e-reader, building responsibility by taking care of the kindles, and they are learning how to type and answer comprehension questions on a touch screen! Our school has been working towards incorporating more technology into the classrooms. This is just the opportunity my students needed to successfully carry out that mission.
My students are most excited about the apps they are able to access through the Kindles. We currently use Raz-Kids as a way for students to access leveled reading materials. They are always SO proud when they get 5 stars on their comprehension quizzes and they set leveled goals for themselves.
Thank you so much for your generous donations. My classroom has changed for the better and I could not be more happy about it!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Page