Past projects 1
Let's Paint, Art Colors the World Around Us!
Funded Aug 29, 2020
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These crayola watercolor paints will be used for home used during this pandemic. It is important that students are able to experience variety of media and techniques that will facilitate personal development and artistic expression during virtual learning. My student love exploring and and being able to make personal chooses during the art making process. That’s why it is so important we ensure that students receive a learning experience in Art that goes beyond just paper and pencil. Using the water colors student will be able to explore color mixing, warm and cool color paintings and we will even be able the look at works by famous artist and practice similar techniques. A specific project we will do is called crayon or wax resist. The students will draw their picture with crayon making sure to leave space for the watercolor. To do this they will be instructed to use different kinds of lines, dots, shapes, etc. But not to color the picture like a coloring book page. WHY? Before revealing the answer, we discuss what happens when you try to mix oil and water. During our discussion we will relate it Science and real world experiences. QUESTION: Have you even been outside after it rained and seen something floating in a puddle of water that looked like a rainbow. "Yes, that's oil from cars". Why is it floating? Next, I would use a cup of water and a small amount of vegetable oil to demonstrate. Now, the student will observe that the water and crayon/wax will not mix. They are prepared to go forth and create and explore with watercolors.