Past projects 7
Watershed Citizen Scientist
Funded Apr 7, 2018Thank you so much for the opportunity to have the use of technology for my students! We appreciated that you took the time and donated the money to buy wonderful equipment for our citizen scientist. It was a thrill to let the students open up brand new Pads and let them use them to research sea animals, algae and the importance of maintaining a healthy watershed area. They not only got a chance to be a citizen scientist but learned how to use scientific tools, like the Pads to record their findings.
The quality of pictures assisted my students in identifying the algae, and sea creatures back in the classroom. The Pads were so easy to use and documented excellent pictures. We used other tools, like a microscope attachment to enlarge the algae pictures.
Thank you very much for all the support that you have given our school and we look forward to more exciting science projects, like the Opihi Project to continue to enhance the students educational experience and build a better community in the future.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cheever-Follett
Out of the Box
Funded Apr 23, 2017Thank you so much for the opportunity to teach and watch my student how to be socially engaged while experiencing creating, and playing games. They have never seen huge cards, magnetic house, Large chess and checkers sets, wooden tic tac toe sets. and all other other games. These games taught my students how to focus and how to work together while developing their "thinking" skills.
The "Game time" filled the down time we had in our activities in the Garden. Creating a continuing peaceful time by learning how and teaching other students how to play board games and create things with all the magnets.
What a pleasure it is to see my students have great opportunities with all the board games and the creative magnet sets. Thank you so much and my kids thank you too!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cheever-Follett
This classroom project was brought to life by Lynne and Marc Benioff and 4 other donors.Under the Rainbow
Funded Oct 23, 2016THANK YOU, so much for helping our project! My students really enjoy that we get to paint the tops of our suspended buckets so that every grade level can have a color and we make our land rainbow out of all of our buckets.
The wagon you bought for us, is totally awesome! It is strong enough to carry our supplies all over the school and our garden area. The students helped put it together and they really enjoyed assembling the whole cart! Most have never put any equipment together and what was really awesome is that they all participated and our wagon/cart works well. The gifts you have given will be used for years and definitely brightens up our garden. Its people like you that encourage students, like I have to do their best, take care of their environment and respect the gifts given to them. They often ask me why people give so much to this garden project and I always tell them because the people who give are visionaries they see the promise in our students and they are willing to help "raise" my students up to be the leaders in this world.
Thank you so so much for everything you gave. My students really enjoyed doing Thank you cards to you all, I hope you enjoy them.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cheever-Follett
Science--"Here to Infinity!"
Funded Mar 9, 2016Dear Donors, I am so excited about having the technology right at our students figure tips with our new and exciting printer. We see the world come alive with its awesomeness.
On a daily basis we make student schedules easier by using color icons. They can follow the icons throughout their day and along the way they are learning how to read by practicing with pictures because of you!
Our students also enjoy the watercolor and special paper to design, create and explore what they are learning. Thank you So very much! Mahalo!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cheever-Follett
This classroom project was brought to life by THINK Fund at Hawaii Community Foundation and 2 other donors.Kamehameha Butterflies Wanted!
Funded Oct 20, 2015Mahalo for the wonderful donations! The Students and school got very excited about getting a new kidney bean table and chairs. We couldn't believe how totally awesome it is to have a fun place to read, study and put projects together! It is definitely the newest table at our school. We caused quite a co-motion loading up our storage area with all your gifts at our school. The microscope is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see the smallest things that create the biggest picture. Thank you! We have looked at the inside of an apple and the wing of a butterfly!
It is so exciting teaching from this wonderful platform! We use it every day- with a smile on our face. We have created a place that is awesome to learn, explore and get excited about the world around us.
We want to Thank you so much for your support! We look forward to many years using the table, the butterfly enclosure, chairs, microscope and all the things you have given our school, students and the support you have given to our community and the opportunity to teach and learn within the walls of the classroom and bring the outside in to our classroom.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cheever-Follett
Gone with the Wind!
Funded May 5, 2015Thank you so much for your support to enhance the application of real world technology, energy, science and math! Our 5th grade students enjoy every opportunity to explore, create and build kits with the magnet kits, the windmills and circuit boards. Indoor recess has never been so fun and educational!
We are developing new ideas and projects from these kits you helped buy. They are like little seeds-- in the wind, planting new projects and ideas. Thank you for your support. We use the fan everyday and the students are looking forward to building solar turbines with combining kits. Creativity is flowing.
Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cheever-Follett
This classroom project was brought to life by Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation and 6 other donors.Stepping Stones
Funded Feb 6, 2015Thank you so much for your support! Our students enjoyed having the opportunity to paint all kinds of things, posters, signs and lids to our hydroponics. They loved that someone like YOU, cared enough about beautifying our garden and supported their teacher by contributing to this grant.
Once we planted our garden we had the opportunity to organize our equipment and its looks totally awesome! The shelves added room and now we can get to our supplies easily. In the classroom we have a display case now with awards, photo albums, and garden books.
This projects boosts our classrooms, students and school because it showcases our extra efforts to continue a school garden and makes our students shine with pride because they are the caregivers of the garden for the last 6 years at our school. With all the organizing shelves and baskets that YOU helped to buy we have created a organized outdoor and indoor laboratory. Because of people like YOU our garden will continue to thrive and we will continue to create a special place to think, dream and learn.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cheever-Follett