Past projects 4
Sit And Learn With Us!
Funded Feb 5, 2024Thank you for the wonderful chairs for the classroom. We love the bright cheerful color of the the green fabric and its durability. The students love that they each have a chair to sit in while in small groups and working in the learning area with me or the assistant teacher. The students are doing very well learning to sit with their legs crossed and hands in their laps.
I hope to order a few more in the near future to have enough for each child to have his or her own for whole group because currently we pull up extra chairs to the carpeted area. As you can see in the photographs there is room between each chair so each students personal space is protected and boundaries are taught.
Thank you again for your tremendous and generous support, it is greatly appreciated daily.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Husbands
Becoming a Big Kid Now
Funded May 13, 2023Thank you for your wonderful help, with the supplies from "Becoming a Big Kid Now" we are able to help my students sanitarily work on toilet training in our newly remodeled bathrooms and help keep them clean. We can help the students feel like they are growing up and getting ready to transition into Kindergarten without any concerns just like their peers.
The students were excited to see boxes for them come to the classroom and get to put items into his or her personal cubby for needed items. We are able to teach them how to properly use hand sanitizer and to properly wash their hands after using the restroom. We teach them how to wipe the toilet seat down after using the restroom so that it will be clean for the next student and then we as adults will spray Lysol one the sink and door knob throughout the day to help reduce the spread of germs. This is very important as many of our students have delicate immune systems and can get sick easily.
Thank you again for your generous support and please know the students were smiling and happy to open the packages as they came into the classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Husbands
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Supporter and one other donor.Queen of Clean!!
Funded Sep 26, 2022Thank you so much for your support. The supplies have helped greatly to cut down on the transmission of germs as cold and flu viruses are spreading wildly in our area. We are teaching the students how to wipe down tables and chairs twice a day, after lunch and at the end of the school day. I am also able to help students learn the best way use hand sanitizer when unable to hand wash. Learning the proper way to blow noses and wipe after a runny sneeze is also an important lesson we are working on.
The students are learning to cover their mouths when they cough and sneeze which is good; however, it is so fun to hear them say "share the love not the germs". It reminds me how important it is what we impress upon them at early ages.
Thank you again for you support, it warms my heart to know I was able to do this for my students with your help.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Husbands
This classroom project was brought to life by Valhalla Foundation and 3 other donors.Early Literacy Take Home Library
Funded Sep 20, 2022Thank you so much for the new books for the take home library. Many of my students come from low-income homes and do not have books in the home. The love of reading is not fostered because other needs are more pressing. So in my classroom we are learning the correct way to treat and look at books, how to hold books properly for reading. This includes learning the the top and bottom of a book, knowing left from right and learning that print moves from left to right and top to bottom across the page. We enjoy reading books several times to make them predictable so that the students can then "help" read by memorizing what comes next. We often will talk about the context clues from the picture to determine what someone is feeling or what is happening in the story and try to make predictions about what will happen next. All of these skills are foundational skills that will be used for many years to come in the student's educational journey.
The students are excited to take home books Monday through Thursday that they get to choose from the library. There is a tracking sheet that goes home with the book so that I can track which books are being enjoyed the most so that more like them can be purchased in the future. Thank you again for your generous support.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Husbands
This classroom project was brought to life by Valhalla Foundation and one other donor.