Past projects 1
Love of Literature! - Classroom Library
Funded Aug 11, 2016Our classroom library is absolutely amazing! As a teacher in a low-income/high poverty school district, my students are faced with several challenges both in and out of the classroom on a daily basis. I'm a native of this school district and understand the obstacles that I have faced in the past and that they are faced with today. With your support, our classroom now has a library of over 800 books to choose from on a daily basis. Students now have so many more options of interesting text to choose from during independent reading time.
My students are eager to learn, creative, curious, and absolutely amazing and spend much of their time at our library. They motivate one another to read challenging stories, they provide support for their friends, and are always willing to help each other with challenging words. It's such an amazing sight to see. The culture of reading in our classroom has skyrocketed! Students are more interested in non-fiction texts and learning about occupations, weather, STEM, history, etc.
The majority of my students are being raised in single-parent, low-income households and all of them receive free lunch due to their socioeconomic status. Many of them do not have time to visit the local library or do not have adequate books at home on their reading levels. Now, students can use our lending library to take new books home on a regular basis and return them when they are finished, so that another student can enjoy the same book. Thanks again for all of your donations and support”
With gratitude,
Mr. Morgan