Past projects 58
Help Us Start the New School Year on Fire!
Funded Jul 27, 2020I am so thankful for these Kindle Fires. We have been working remotely and all of our students were given devices from our building. We are not sure if there is a single device left in the building and since we will be returning in January on an alternating schedule, the students will be keeping their devices. So, these Kindle Fires will be some of the only devices available and they are going to be in high demand! We really want to thank our generous donors who gave to our project. We will be using these Kindles for reading and for many educational applications that can be accessed on the Kindle. The students just love to use devices to learn with and these Kindles will be very coveted and are very appreciated!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Campbell
Seeds of Change - Our Remote Garden!
Funded Sep 16, 2020We are so excited to have these wonderful garden items. We had a container garden at school that has been neglected - for COVID reasons - since March! We actually have a plan in place to get back start face-to-face in January and we are so excited at the prospect of things getting back to a relative normal. Even though we will be back in the building it still won't be the same due to distancing restrictions and it is going to be hard to be out in our garden all to gather together. These individual little gardens are going to be given to the students to take home. They will be able to take on a responsibility and show their gardening "chops" by caring for their very own little gardens. We have herb gardens, little biospheres, root-view growing kits, and individual seed packets that will allow each student a very personalized growing adventure. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and generosity. We would not be able to do anything like this without Donorschoose and the generous donors.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Campbell
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose 20th Anniversary Fund and 5 other donors.Good Clean Family Fun!
Funded Jan 28, 2020We are so thankful for the generosity that continues to amaze us every time we create a project on We had big plans for a wonderful Family Night celebration, but like so many things, it had to be postponed and then cancelled. We received wonderful, fun things for our celebration and they WILL be put to use! As soon as we are able to gather once again at school for a celebration, we will be bringing out the bubbles and the sidewalk chalk, the hula hoops and the hopscotch for some outdoor fun. It is all stacked up together just waiting for the right occasion and what fun it will be. These fun supplies will be a welcome joy when we are able to get back into our school building!
Thank you to all the kind and generous donors who helped up to receive the fun outdoor party items that we are going to have a blast with when we return!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Campbell
This classroom project was brought to life by Mission Tiger and 3 other donors.Here Birdie, Birdie!
Funded Sep 23, 2019We are so excited and happy to receive our badminton set! The students are anxiously awaiting getting it set up to play. We had to postpone our set-up due to some placement issues but now we have a plan for the Spring and are really looking forward to it. These kinds of games and items are the kinds of things that we would never get the opportunity to have were it not for the generous donors of donorschoose. There would not be a budget for a badminton game and many of these students would never get the chance to play.
It is through the kindness of the people at donorschoose and all the kind donors that we are able to have these kind of experiences.
We cannot thank you enough for all of your kindnesses.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Campbell
This classroom project was brought to life by Mission Tiger and 4 other donors.The Pressure is On! Air Frying our Way to Health!
Funded Mar 1, 2019Thank you so much for your help and generosity! We have been having fun with our air fryer, as you can see. We have just been experimenting with a variety of foods, both common and new to us. It has been fun trying new things out and soon we will be trying new things with the Instapot. So far, we have really just been "playing with" and getting to know how our air fryer works. The air fried sweet potato "tots" are really good! They have been our favorite so far, and we will definitely be making more of those. Chickpeas- not so much! Haha- we decided we needed to work on learning how to use seasoning. We will soon expand our investigations into learning about fats,oils, calories, and more and how we can lessen our use of all of them in commonly fried foods. We are all really learning a great deal about many things - including trying a new thing even when we are pretty sure we aren't going to like it! We have so many ideas, we are going to keep a notebook of successes and failures and learn from them both.
Thank you again to all the generous donors who helped us get these really exciting and fun learning tools!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Campbell
This classroom project was brought to life by The Community and 5 other donors.Butterflies and Bees - Knock Us to Our Knees!
Funded Jul 21, 2018We would like to thank you for helping us to reach our goal for this project! We could not have done it without your generous donations! The school garden project has been one of the most rewarding that I have ever experienced and this project will allow us to take it a step further to learn about the insects that make pollination of our plants possible.
The students thoroughly enjoy the colorful and informative books and the puppets have added such delight to our learning. We have been waiting until the Spring to plant most of the seeds that we have received and are excited to see how many bees and butterflies we can attract to our garden.
Thank you for coming to to donate to our cause.
We truly appreciate it!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Campbell
This classroom project was brought to life by Arconic Foundation and 13 other donors.Money Matters! Help Us Become Financially Literate!
Funded Apr 2, 2018Thank you so much for your kind donations to our Money Matters Project! The students just love the games and, I think, are benefiting a great deal learning from them. They really enjoy the hot-dots which allow them to learn on their own and self-correct - that is all any of them want to do for math free-time now! The Monopoly games now have players use credit cards! How awesome is that! It is a very fun way to learn about being responsible with money and finances and the students are loving it. Some of the lessons learned in the games are even creeping into their day-to-day as you hear them talking about saving their hard earned points instead of spending them! We really appreciate everything that DonorsChoose has done for us and for everyone!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Campbell
This classroom project was brought to life by Charles Schwab Foundation and 3 other donors.Color is Everything!
Funded Apr 13, 2018Hello Horace Mann!
I can't believe I have not yet written this note of thanks to you! I am SO GLAD that you (local office) called me so that I could tell you myself what a tremendous and wonderful thing you did by supporting us through DonorsChoose! I know that you do so much for so many teachers in so many ways and this is another way that you have made our school days more successful! Everybody knows that everything is simply better in color! The difference it makes to the students to know that they can print their photos in color is just huge. And, as a teacher, being able to print out our work materials in color makes them incredibly more engaging and useful! We are really able to gain a better understanding of graphs and pie charts, etc., when we can see them printed out in color - makes all the difference in the world!
We really cannot thank you enough for all your support in so many ways!
With gratitude,
Ms. Campbell
Show Kids and Puppet Masters!
Funded Dec 12, 2017The students love this puppet show so much that I have a waiting list for classes that want to borrow it! We want to thank our donors from the bottoms of our hearts! This is one of the best new indoor projects we can remember getting in a very long time - everyone wants to participate. Students who rarely speak a word - due mostly to some debilitating shyness- still want to get behind the curtain and put a puppet on their hand. These students have been making strides in actually being able to verbalize some things for their puppets to say. We keep the puppet show in the library and students and adults all get a great big smile on their faces when they see it! What is it about a puppet show that brings such a smile! We are learning about that and we would really like to thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Campbell
This classroom project was brought to life by Born This Way Foundation and 6 other donors.A Disinfection Collection to Wipe Out Flu Germs!
Funded Mar 27, 2018Thank you so much for your tremendous generosity!
We were so surprised to see our project funded on the Best School and just can't get over the funding of so many projects by Ripple - what a blessing!
We have gotten over the worst of the flu season and we are going to use these supplies to start every classroom out with sanitizing supplies that will last them a long time! Each class is going to get a 32 ounce bottle of hand sanitizer and a tub of Lysol Wipes! We are so blessed to have enough to go around to everyone and that is due to the incredible kindness that you have done to help us.
Thank you so much! You have really made an impact here - these are supplies that are always needed.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Campbell
This classroom project was brought to life by Ripple and 5 other donors.