Past projects 6
Focus Zones - Student Lap Desks
Funded Oct 21, 2024What an incredible blessing your donation has made to my intervention classroom. Not only was I able to purchase the tools I needed to support my students, but maybe more importantly, they were also able to see that people beyond their own school, and even community, care about their education and were willing to contribute financially for their benefit and enjoyment.
The lap desks we purchased have given my students a workspace where they can view the lesson on the screen and have a flat surface to use their lined whiteboards to write on. This has made such a difference because they can view the screen and then practice their letter formation. We were also able to purchase what we call "Boogie Boards" - drawing tablets that are colorful and fun to use to practice their spelling. They're very engaged when we pull them out to use.
All of these resources are used daily, and daily I think of the generous donations that made it possible for us to have these tools. Thank you for caring about kids, and for making these purchases possible.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Peterson
Help Us Get Hooked on Books
Funded Dec 1, 2020Thank you for your generosity and willingness to reach into my classroom to bring joy in the form of reading materials.
With the world in turmoil due to the Covid-19 pandemic, having new books to share with my students was such a wonderful treat as it allowed them to escape into the world of reading which felt safe, familiar, and enjoyable.
With the new books, I implemented First Chapter Friday where I would read just the first chapter of one of the books to entice my students to pick up and read the book themselves. It was fun to watch their enthusiasm for these great new stories.
Thank you again for your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Peterson
This classroom project was brought to life by FamilyAlbum and 4 other donors.In Need of the Write Stuff
Funded Mar 27, 2020I was so thrilled to start my year with new whiteboards. The worn out, warped whiteboards I've been struggling with for years are gone and now I have beautifully white, easily erasable boards that are magnetic! Oh, the wonders of modern technology!
Unfortunately, I also started this year with no students in my classroom, so I haven't had the pleasure of using them with my students. We're hopeful that sometime this year students will be sitting at their desks and the whiteboards will be put to good use, but for the time being, we're making it work.
Please know that your generosity does so much more than just provide needed materials for teachers. It also touches our hearts, especially in this time of Covid. To know that we have supporters in the community and world that are working hard to support students and teachers is so uplifting and encouraging. Thank you for making a difference in my classroom and community!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Peterson
Who & What: History Books for our Classroom
Funded Feb 26, 2017The Who & What books arrived in our classroom last year, and my fifth-grade students were thrilled! I had some voracious readers, especially the boys, so having biographies that appealed to both boys and girls, and taught about history, was a win-win!
This year my new group of fifth-graders is also enjoying reading this series of books. They enjoy that the books are so informative, and cover such a wide range of topics. Only two months into the school year and at least a half-dozen times we've had lessons about people/places in history, and some student has raised their hand to share that they've read one of the books on that subject. It's been so empowering for that students to then share more information on that subject, and it has greatly enriched our discussions.
When I took pictures recently to upload to, I asked one of my new students to pose for me as though she were reading the book. I chuckled when she said, "Hey, this book looks pretty interesting. I just might have to read it." Your generosity has put those books at my students' fingertips, and they and I are greatly appreciative.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Peterson
Enhancing Reading with Hot Dot Pens
Funded Apr 26, 2016When my project for Hot Dot Pens was funded last year, I was teaching second graders. My students were so excited to have a new learning resource to use during our reading rotations. They enjoyed being able to work independently using phonics and reading comprehension cards to practice their reading skills.
This year I was moved to fifth grade, and just recently I was given funds to purchase Hot Dot comprehension and practice cards suitable for upper elementary students. When I showed my fifth graders the Hot Dot Pens, they couldn't wait for me to draw up a rotation schedule so they could have their turn. The Hot Dot Pens are a great addition to our reading routine as they allow my students the chance to work independently with an engaging and fun tool.
Thank you for your generous donation to our classroom. I greatly appreciate being able to put tools into the hands of my students that they find fun, and I find effective in engaging and teaching my kiddos.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Peterson
Tablets to Teach
Funded Mar 11, 2016When I received two tablets for my class of second grade students last year, I was very excited to provide them with another tool they could use for learning. Living in a low-income area, many of my students didn't have access to computers or other devices. I knew tablets would be an especially useful tool in our classroom because of the numerous apps we could use to practice math, reading and numerous other skills.
One of the primary reasons I wanted tablets for our classroom was to give students practice in proper letter formation. Using handwriting apps on the tablets was so much more engaging than pencil and paper practice, and my students' handwriting showed marked improvement through this practice.
I am now teaching in a fifth grade classroom, and I'm finding many different uses for the tablets with these older students. Among other things, these kids need practice in drilling multiplication facts, and in developing critical thinking skills, and, as the saying goes, "There's an app for that!" It's wonderful to have another tool to assist me in engaging and educating my students.
I'm very grateful to have these resources in my classroom, thanks to the generosity of people who contribute through”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Peterson
This classroom project was brought to life by #BestSchoolDay and 2 other donors.