Past projects 1
3D Printing Supplies for Tech Lab
Funded Aug 21, 2018
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These students are on the track toward a vocation. Some of them wish to work in technology but will have a hard time doing so without University. We want to create a lab for designing objects using our 3D printer. We currently do not have filament to use in our printer. We plan to design and create items that are in high demand. We will then sell the items to the student body in order to raise money, and in turn, buy more filament to replace what we use. We currently have a Makerbot Replica that was purchased a couple of years ago. It no longer has filament and will go unused. I will use this opportunity to teach students about business and the design and creation of products. We have already begun designing cell phone cases and other small consumer items that are in high demand. We believe that this business plan will allow the students to learn two valuable lessons at once.