Past projects 6
Let's Get Laminating!
Funded Aug 5, 2019Thank you so much for your donation to our laminator project. The staff and students of my school have benefitted from your donation. Over 40 staff members can use the laminator and over 500 students are using more durable laminated materials.
I have used the laminator to create learning materials for my students. They especially love our math sorts. In the pictures they are sorting math facts by sums. They are also creating balanced equations using laminated cards. They are laminated so students can use whiteboard markers to make the equations balanced. Students love completing these sorts with a math partner or by themselves. It has become a favorite activity during our math choice time.
Other teachers have used the laminator in different ways. Some teachers have used the laminator to create lasting anchor charts that will support student learning. Other teachers have used the laminator for write on wipe off sight word practice cards. This project will make such a difference for our students and staff. Thank you again for your donation. We greatly appreciate it!”
With gratitude,
Ms. M.
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Funder and 21 other donors.Readers About to Rock!
Funded Feb 11, 2018The new books that came with your donation for my project are perfect for my readers. The books are at their independent reading level and are high interest texts. This gives me peace of mind that while I'm working with a small group of readers, my other students will be reading engaging texts. Students need books at their reading level and books that are interesting to them. When students read books that are just right for them they are practicing the skills and strategies that we talk about in small group.
These books are not only appropriate for their reading level, many of the books support language development. Many of my students are English language learners or hear different languages spoken at home. The books that came as a part of my project are rich with vocabulary. The books have photographs with labels and are often about a theme.
Thank you again for donating to this project. The students love the new books and I know that next year's students will too! I am so thankful that there are people who support the reading development of my students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. M.
Goldilocks and the Three Chairs
Funded Sep 12, 2016It's a Tuesday morning right before lunch. You would think that students would be antsy to go to the cafeteria, but if you were to peek in our classroom you would see that students are nestled in self-selected reading spots. Some students are sharing a book while sitting in a bean bag chair. Other students are sprawled out on the floor reading their books. Meanwhile at the back table there are students reading in the Hokki stools. Their bodies are wiggling, but their fingers are tracking the print on the page. Twenty-one six-year-olds are all on task and I am conferencing with many of the readers.
I teach my students very early on in the year to try to emulate Goldilocks when it comes to selecting "just right" books to read. I think that it is just important for students to figure out where is the "just right" place for them to learn. The stools and bean bags that have been donated to our classroom through Donors Choose has allowed for different seating options in our classroom.
Some may think that only having a few of these special seats would create a problem in the classroom. It has been quite the opposite in our classroom. Instead of fighting, students have practiced turn-taking with the stools and bean bags. Students have explored what it means to be flexible with their seating choices. They have demonstrated empathy for one another and compassion by sharing.
My students and I thank you for your donation. It has helped my students grow as learners and helped them make great choices. Thank you again for this gift to our classroom.”
With gratitude,
Ms. M.
Fantastic First Graders Request Technology
Funded Mar 26, 2016Dear donor,
Thank you so much for fully funding our project of two new iPads. It has an incredible impact in our classroom. The Apple iPads are used during every part of our day.
When my students come in in the morning, some students do morning work related to the previous day's concept and other students need literacy intervention. The iPads allow me to have more students participate in this online intervention. The intervention program reviews high frequency words, phonics concepts, and vocabulary. I am able to go through folders, take attendance, and count lunches while knowing that I am making the most of this time for the students that need it most. This would not be possible without the iPads that you donated.
My students use the iPads to create. They create stories, pictures, and math story problems using the iPad. Students use the iPads to exhibit their knowledge of math or literacy concepts through the use of drawing apps. Some students really thrive using this medium instead of the usual paper and pencil method.
The iPads also allow me to differentiate instruction. I am able to have different groups of students reading different books online. They answer questions to check their comprehension. In math, students use different apps to express their understanding of a story problem or use an app to show progress toward fact fluency in either addition or subtraction.
My students and I appreciate your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. M.
Super Readers Need a Super Library!
Funded Jun 1, 2015Every year at least one of my students finds a book that gets them hooked on reading. I vividly remember a student reading and rereading Are You My Mother by PD Eastman. He loved that book. It wasn't long until he loved all different types of books. This student reminds me that sometimes it takes just one book to make a student a lifelong reader.
I was so happy when the packages arrived at the beginning of the school year. I knew that in those packages would be new books for my students to fall in love with. I knew that my students would be excited to get their hands on new books. The books were leveled so they made their way into our "just right" book baskets very quickly. My first graders gasped with glee when they saw new books were added to the book baskets.
These books have made an immediate impact. The books that my classroom received are diverse in genre and topic. Each student has been able to find a new book that they enjoy. The books are also leveled so it gives me reassurance that my students won't be too frustrated by a book that is too hard.
Thank you so much for your generosity and thank you for adding new books to our classroom library.”
With gratitude,
Ms. M.
These Kids Will Move Mountains!
Funded Nov 14, 2014My students are so eager to use the iPads everyday. They can't wait to use the iPads to express themselves creatively in response to a text or to practice a skill via fun apps. My students are so thankful to have other technology opportunities in the classroom.
The iPads that we received has allowed for further development of skills. Students who receive tier II intervention through programs like Lexia can log on and practice these skills before the day even starts. Before receiving the iPads I was unable to make sure that each student got a turn using a computer to use this program. Now each child can get on either a computer or an iPad each day. Students also use the iPads for practicing their sight words and math facts.
Students are deepen their understanding and share their observations through creative apps. Students write or drawing responses to texts. They record their voices so they can explain what their picture means. Students use the iPads to create their own nonfiction text features for pictures.
I am enrolled in a graduate level class now that is focused on creating a technology rich classroom. Although I am only one week into my class, I have already learned some things that I want to implement into my classroom. I am excited to see how I can further use the iPads to foster a love of learning in my classroom.
Thank you again for donating to my classroom,
With gratitude,
Ms. M.
This classroom project was brought to life by People's United Community Foundation People's Unit and 18 other donors.