Anne Sullivan is a community school in south Minneapolis. It is home to a diverse group of learners including a significant English Language Learner student group, with many children from Somali and other East African backgrounds, as well as other cultures from around the globe, making up approximately 50% of our school. Most of our students receive free/reduced price lunch, and many students are identified as having special needs. We are a preschool-8th grade site.
As our society continues to evolve and incorporate technology into everyday life, we’re seeing changes in what fine motor skills students have when they enter school, affecting the practice many students need in developing the fine motor skills needed to be able to write legibly and engage in fine motor activities in school. More screen time and use of devices for play has meant less time spent with other tools in the hands of our students, such as experiences with pencils, crayons, scissors, and materials that require one to use hand/eye coordination to put together and manipulate. Fine Motor Boot Camp is a series of activities developed to help students increase their hand strength, hand/eye coordination, and stamina for handwriting and other fine motor skills needed for success in school.
This project would provide enough supplies to outfit all kindergarten, first, and second grade classrooms at Anne Sullivan with materials to use with students needing additional experience and practice to be successful with their fine motor skills and set them up for school success moving forward. Materials will support activities such as stringing letter beads, creating letters out of play doh, and picking up letter/sound matches with a tweezers—helping students practice essential fine motor skills in fun ways. Thanks in advance for your donation!
About my class
Anne Sullivan is a community school in south Minneapolis. It is home to a diverse group of learners including a significant English Language Learner student group, with many children from Somali and other East African backgrounds, as well as other cultures from around the globe, making up approximately 50% of our school. Most of our students receive free/reduced price lunch, and many students are identified as having special needs. We are a preschool-8th grade site.
As our society continues to evolve and incorporate technology into everyday life, we’re seeing changes in what fine motor skills students have when they enter school, affecting the practice many students need in developing the fine motor skills needed to be able to write legibly and engage in fine motor activities in school. More screen time and use of devices for play has meant less time spent with other tools in the hands of our students, such as experiences with pencils, crayons, scissors, and materials that require one to use hand/eye coordination to put together and manipulate. Fine Motor Boot Camp is a series of activities developed to help students increase their hand strength, hand/eye coordination, and stamina for handwriting and other fine motor skills needed for success in school.
This project would provide enough supplies to outfit all kindergarten, first, and second grade classrooms at Anne Sullivan with materials to use with students needing additional experience and practice to be successful with their fine motor skills and set them up for school success moving forward. Materials will support activities such as stringing letter beads, creating letters out of play doh, and picking up letter/sound matches with a tweezers—helping students practice essential fine motor skills in fun ways. Thanks in advance for your donation!
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