Tiny Humans Taking Over!

Funded Sep 7, 2022

I want to thank you all for your donations! I'm am so thankful my class is able to utilize new materials in many ways. My students were excited to see what new things they were going to use in class. They were ready to jump in and try out everything that was donated to us. It's an amazing feeling as a first year teacher to watch my students react in such a joyful way to new materials in their class.

Between all of the donations we received, we've been able to utilize them in so many ways. The students favorite way to use them is creating an obstacle course! We've had several obstacles created based off what they wanted to use. With each material, my class was able to learn different gross motor skills and loco motor skills. Which included jumping, hopping, crawling, leaping, etc. There's been such great games with each material!

My next steps for my classroom for my current project is continuing to allow my students to utilize the materials in order to show progress within their gross motor skills and loco motor skills in my classroom. Choosing to follow these steps in my current project will also help me learn what other materials I would need in the future so that it can help my students progress even more. Thank you so much to everyone who kindly donated to my project and my students. It is greatly appreciated.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Rodriguez