PE Equipment for Our Students

Funded Oct 31, 2022

My students are over-joyed with the skills and sports they were able to learn this year because of your donation. Our time spent in the gymnasium was way more productive due to the abundance of equipment and teaching this year was even more fulfilling because of the genuine smiles on my student's faces.

Before Winter break, our students all participated in a yoga/flexibility unit. During class each student received their own yoga mat (the look on their faces knowing they didn't have to take turns and share was priceless!). We focused on breathing techniques, lower and upper body stretches and muscular endurance holds like plank position and chair position. After two weeks each class designed and performed their own yoga "flows".

This spring, our lower grades loved their soccer unit. They practiced dribbling in different pathways and through obstacles, passing to teammates and shooting into nets - World Cup Style! Every student was able to receive their own soccer ball during skill practice. Never before had they had that opportunity.

Our upper grades focused on badminton and floor hockey this spring. Thanks to our new nets, rackets and birdies our students had the opportunity to participate in a sport that they may never have been exposed to otherwise. They learned how to low and high serve, how to volley back and forth using forehand and backhand strikes, and how to spike the birdie. They enjoyed it so much they ask to play at recess and some are even interested in starting a badminton club.

We are currently finishing up our floor hockey unit. Students have been practicing dribbling with a hockey stick, protecting their goal, passing long and short distances and shooting into a goal at different angles and distances. Right now, our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders are facing off in a floor hockey competition of small sided 4v4 games and working on offensive and defensive concept and strategies. They are taking it very seriously - watch out NHL!

We will finish off our year with a fitness unit. We will focus on our main components of fitness (cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and muscular endurance) and our skill related fitness components (agility, speed, coordination, power, balance and reaction time). During this unit our students will utilize the agility ladder and jump ropes. They will also be introduced to some technology like stop watches and pedometers.

As you may know, students who are exposed and given opportunities to participate in physical activity are more likely to continue to do so into adulthood and become what we call "lifelong physical learners". Again, thank you so much for thinking of my students and helping the future generation of lifelong physical learners cultivate a love for sport, fitness and physical activity.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Russell