Past projects 1
Ukulele Strumming With Mr. P.
Funded Jul 12, 2016Dear Donor,
I was thrilled to have the money to put musical instruments into the hands of my students. When I pulled the ukulele's out of the boxes and put them on the table many students kept asking each day when they were going to get to play them. They were very excited. Recently, as you can see in the photos, I have built a ukulele rack to hold the instruments. This gives the students who are playing them pride because they look so good hanging on the wall. Currently I am using the instruments in a club during the school day for about twenty boys. Here in a few weeks we will be preforming with the 3rd graders at a musical concert, in a community center in Lamar. In the spring semester the entire fourth grade will using them during classroom instruction. When I arrived at Lamar there were hardly any instruments for students to play. You have provided that opportunity for them and, I am extremely grateful. Thank You!
Andrew Pommert”
With gratitude,
Mr. Pommert