Past projects 2
A Truly Magic School Bus!
Funded Jan 25, 2022Thank you so much for funding this exciting student led project. Real world learning has never been more needed! My students are so excited to see their project come to life and learn all aspects of how to manage a business and market it in our community for the benefit of our schools.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ewell
This classroom project was brought to life by Utah State Board of Education.Focus on School, Not Hunger!
Funded Oct 16, 2017You helped create a MIRACLE at Mt. Nebo Jr. High School! As an economically disadvantaged middle school, fed by only Title 1 elementary schools, MNJHS struggles more than most. Over 54% of our students qualify for free or reduced lunches, because so many fall significantly below or just barely above the poverty line. We also have a large percentage of qualifying homeless students as well. The need for school supplies and weekend meal kits for our homeless and disadvantaged students is extreme.
When we received your food and school supply donations it was such a tremendous gift, and as a school we were overwhelmed. As soon as the boxes were opened the tabbed dividers and binders were put to use. Several staff members jumped on board to help our struggling students organize their classwork. Because of you our students are better prepared to excel in the classroom.
The soup, granola bars, oatmeal and crackers you gifted us were a boon to our homeless and economically disadvantaged students. We are now able to send home weekend food kits to our students who would otherwise have insufficient nutrition. Because of you our students don't need to go hungry.
Because of you MNJHS is a more supportive and nurturing environment for our students. These children are our future leaders and community members. Because of you they have a better chance at success. We have a better chance as a nation when we help the rising generation find a positive path to the future. We have all benefited because of you! Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ewell