Past projects 4
Up Close and In Touch with Nature!
Funded May 2, 2024"Up Close and in Touch with Nature " did exactly that with my students. They were excited to get to open the boxes and find gardening tools. They picked out their work gloves and the tools they wanted to use. They were able to name most of the different kinds of vegtable seeds and picked what they wanted to seed. They really enjoyed watching the potting mix expand. they used the small tools to but soil into the seeding tray and use their finger to make the hole for the seed.
The students showed amazement as they observed their seedling grow in the incubator within three days. They would come in in the morning and go to the window to see if they grew more. When the seedling got to big for the incubator we went outside to plant. Unfortunatly in was a hot period of the day and the students left the planting to me and found themselve a shady spot to sit.
The project got off the ground at the end of the school year. The project was maintained by the students attending the summer program. They had the responsitility of observing, watering and weeding. Over the three day weekends the sun got very hot and they witnessed some wilting or burned leaves and knew they needed water. The breaks before and after the summer program took a bit of a toll on the gardens maintanance. The students returned to school to find that tomatoes, Purple pepper, and cucumber and green beens grew. They were able to pick a fruot of their choice to take home. The garden is still yeilding fruit. We will repeat the project next year building on what they learned this year.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Brandon
I See the Future in My History
Funded Feb 6, 2024Thank you so much for helping to open the minds of our students through the books you help put in their hands. They were so excited to recieve the colorful picture books and read about the various aspects of African American Culture. The books were shared with the intermeditate grade levels within our school. These students engaged in read alouds with their diverse learner peers.
The purpose of the books served well, as students were able to share their culture with the recent newcomers to our school. Students were able to identify diversity and things they share in common. Some classes wrote reports on various African American Artist and shared their writing on a bulletin board. Student learned about the journeys that were taken by predecessors that influence our culture today.
The focus for our Black History Month Assembly was to celebrate the many musical contributions African Americans have made that influenced many genres of music. Students performed to the genres of Gospel/Spirituls, Rythm and Blues (R&B), Swing (Big Band), Pop, Raggae, Ragtime and Rap.
Thank you much for your generosity that will be cherished and a part of our classroom libraries.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Brandon
Screen Time Out
Funded Jun 11, 2020Students are utilizing the math manipulatives during math activities to solve problems. My students are diverse learners and the hands on activities ensure their active engagement. They take pride in getting their supplies from their book bags.
Because we are learning remotely, parents picked up bags from the school and took pictures when student got their backpacks. I get a glimpse into my students daily lives with their parents support. To see my students gaining independence in managing their learning gives me a sense of confidence my students are learning .
This has been a very challenging year of experiences for the diverse learner population. Thanks to the generosity of Donors Choose, we are beginning to do more project -based learning. This season we are learning about the Gift of Giving. The unit involves planning an event to help the community. We will be doing a toy drive for our families and peers in transitional living facilities with the support of the school community.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Brandon
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 19 other donors.2020 Holistic Sensory Vision
Funded Jan 15, 2020Words cannot express the gratitude for your generosity and support. My students will benefit in the areas of language development, fine motor, socialization, and critical thinking skills. Students will enjoy selecting activities for free choice time from the variety of sensory engaging materials that will impact them academically and holistically.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Brandon