Past projects 4
Skill Streaming in Special Ed
Funded Dec 30, 2013Thank you so much for your generous contribution to the students at Hazel Valley Elementary in Burien, Washington. The students at this school are overcoming tremendous obstacles. Over 80% of the students in our school are on the free or reduced lunch program. Most of their families are living in poverty, with many of them experiencing homelessness. In addition, as the Special Education Resource Room Teacher, the students in my class have been diagnosed with a variety of challenges including learning disabilities, autism, emotional behavioral disability, developmental delay, or ADD/ADHD. Due to the high poverty rate within our student population, our school has limited resources to purchase the supplies needed to help our students be successful. That is where wonderful people like you come in to the picture.
Their time in my classroom is instrumental to providing them with the tools that they need. In order to be successful in academics, students must also become proficient in pro-social skills. The likelihood of success in a classroom is greatly increased when students have the skills to ask clarifying questions, request help when it is needed, and are able to develop positive relationships with their teacher and their peers. The Skillstreaming curriculum is specifically designed to give them these types of tools. This curriculum focuses on skills such as friendship making, classroom survival, alternative techniques to deal with aggression, and resources for dealing with emotions and stress.
This curriculum is implemented in small groups or on an individual basis. It is already clear how much progress has been made by these students, as they use this research based instruction program. Students are learning how to initiate conversations, hone their listening skills, and improve their social skills. Beyond the classroom, these skills will be extremely valuable later in life as they apply for jobs, create families, and become active members of their community.
I am a firm believer that every student deserves the right to a quality education. Programs such as the Skillstreaming curriculum help to level the playing field for students such as the ones in my program. Once students have the necessary skills to navigate the school system, their self-confidence increases, their academic test scores increase, and they greatly increase their likelihood for lifelong success. These skills help the learning process transition from a challenging and stressful situation to a positive and enjoyable one. The impact that this shift in focus can have is lifelong and has endless ripple effects.
I can't begin to thank you enough for the difference you have made for my students. I wish you could see the smiles on their faces as they grasp a new concept, the sense of pride they feel when they are able to advance to the next level in their studies, and the appreciation of their parents when they see the difference in their children. It is because of people like you that my students have a chance for a bright and exciting future. Thank you so much for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kelly
Integrating Kinaesthetic Learning & Tablets in the Classroom
Funded Feb 19, 2013Thank you so much for your generosity! My students and I have been enjoying the iPad and it's very durable case! I have been researching and downloading academic applications (apps) the past few months. I love hearing the students ask if they can play 'games' on the iPad, when what they are really doing is learning and practicing important skills. For many of my students, this was their first time experiencing the technology of a touchscreen tablet, and for almost all of them, their first opportunity using such an amazing device for LEARNING! I have no complaints during lessons when the iPad is involved!
I have downloaded applications for reading, writing, math, and social skills as well as some productivity apps such as timers and visual schedules. A few of our most popular apps include: "Starfall" an interactive reading experience, "Wh Questions" a language application from Super Duper Publications that helps students ask and answer, Who, What, When, Where and Why questions, "Tic Tac Toe" âa competitive reading skills game, and "Toontastic" an interactive story board builder that walks students through each phase of a story.
I purchased an adapter that allows me to connect the iPad to the projector in my classroom. This has allowed the iPad to become more accessible during group lessons. Students love working through activities together on the board. During math, I project problems up on the whiteboard where students can work through problems together. As part of our social skills lessons, we've been able to take the iPad with us to record our 'findings' of expected/unexpected behaviors while being social detectives around the school.
I'm excited to discover even more that the iPad has to offer us over the coming years. Technology is always changing, but with the iPad we can continue to download the latest apps that are available for education! Thanks again for bring such a wonderful tool to my classroom!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kelly
Longing for a Larger Library!
Funded Feb 7, 2012I am so appreciative of your kindness and generosity. My students were very excited to receive the packages and have truly enjoyed and benefited from the items we received. The graphic novels have been a huge hit for students of varying ages. It is a wonderful thing to have kids 'begging' for more reading time! The timers are so easy to use. Many of the kids have learned to use them to monitor breaks or cool down periods in order to efficiently use this time and then get back to work. The pocket charts are full of sound cards and math vocabulary that the student reference regularly.
Our school does not have the budget to afford the necessary items that you helped to supply us with! I am forever grateful for your generosity and support of my students and classroom. It is so important that students are provided quality educational experiences early on in order to instill a positive love of learning.
Thanks to donors like you, classrooms in our school have gained so many valuable resources they would not have otherwise been able to use.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kelly
Help! Books Needed!
Funded Nov 8, 2011Thank you so much for your generous donation to my classroom. The books that you have helped donate are enjoyed by my students everyday.
The students were so excited when I opened the box of books we received. They have been enjoying reading them to themselves and aloud to each other. I'm thrilled by their excitement for reading, and amazed by how big of a difference it is when they have real books to choose from.
I'm excited to have these books for many years to come and hope to continue to be able to build my library through donors like you! ”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kelly