Past projects 3
Focus With Your Ears to Show What You Know!
Funded Jun 27, 2024Thank you so much for the full set of headphones. We now each have our own devices and can hear the computer (and not our partner's sound which is really distracting) and can focus so much more on our letters, sounds, words, and directions on games and assessments! Students were really excited that there was a mic on the headphones and are now able to read aloud and send to the teacher! This is a huge benefit in our classroom because there is only one teacher and now she can listen to how students read and give them great feedback to help students grow as readers. Thank you so very much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Aguilar
Developing Eager Readers
Funded Jan 25, 2022My 1st grade students have already began to utilize the headphones and mics that your generous donation helped purchase. Each student has their own chrome book computer to use at school. We use a couple of different apps for reading and math but it was often difficult for students to hear when all other students had programs open as well. Now, thanks to you, my students each have their own individual headsets complete with headphones, mic, volume control, and can plug in with USB port directly to their chrome books!
Students were overwhelmed with excitement when our packages arrived. I placed each headset into a labeled bag and kids were happy to have their own headphones. They feel a sense of pride and ownership and get to be responsible for this new piece of technology. 1st graders were most excited to read into their microphone which is attached to their headphones!
All students have embraced this wonderful gift that was made available to them, but students with focus issues and hyperactivity have especially benefited from the use of this technology. Students are engaged, motivated, and are able to better use the educational apps because of your generosity. Our classroom thanks you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Aguilar
Embracing Diversity and a Love for Culture
Funded Aug 8, 2020Thank you so much for your contribution to our classroom! Now our class library is stocked with books that have people that look just like my students! As a reader, it is hard to relate or make connections to characters that are so different from them, but now we have choices of stories with characters, experiences, and adventures that we can relate to. What an impact this is making on my young readers! Thank you! Due to COVID-19 pandemic, these books are not yet in the hands of my students, but we have been able to explore some of these texts virtually and have had some really great, meaningful conversations about diversity within our world. From our first grade family to yours.....LOVE! We send you thanks and love (shown in our picture) for your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Aguilar