Past projects 8
Let's Find Out in Kindergarten!
Funded Aug 13, 2019Thank you so much for making this project possible. My students now have a learning magazine in their hands every week. "Let's Find Out" news magazine has been a wonderful addition to my kindergarten classroom. This wonderful gift from our donors is making it possible for my students to have reading material in their hands weekly for the whole school year. We are reading, learning, sharing the magazine together in the classroom. The students are then able to take the magazine home to keep and share with their family.
Let's Find Out has current events in it. The magazine is also helping our studies in science, social studies, reading, and other subjects. The magazine is helping all my students. I have different ability levels of students in my class. I have students that English is their second language. Let's Find Out is good for all of my students. They all are excited to see what the new topic will be in their new magazine for the week. Thank you for making this learning possible for my class this year. It is a gift that will be used the whole school year.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Croxton
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 2 other donors.Tranquility In Kindergarten?
Funded Sep 24, 2017Thank you for helping to make this project a reality. The light filters are amazing. When you walk into the classroom from the hallway, the way you feel changes right away. Your eyes are more relaxed. Your mood is calmer. You get a wonderful relaxing, calmer feeling. Your attitude is more positive. The students love the filters. They were very excited to see them on the ceiling of the classroom when they came in one morning. They might not realize how the filters are helping their whole learning experience, but I see it. So many people have commented on how great the classroom feels. Other teachers are looking into getting light filters for their classroom.
I appreciate your kindness in helping my kindergarten students. You helping others is a lesson that my students are now learning. Giving to others to help people you might not even know is a wonderful lesson for my students to learn. This lesson, I hope, will be used by them many, many times in their future. They are only five and six years old, but you have enriched their lives in so many ways. Thank you for all of your help with this classroom project.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Croxton
Learning Tolerance in Kindergarten
Funded Aug 25, 2017My students and I would like to thank you for your generous gift of our Time for Kids. This is a gift we are using weekly in our classroom. We will be reading and learning from Time for Kids until the end of school in June. The good thing, what they are learning now with this magazine, the students will be using as they continue their education in other grades.
Time for Kids is giving my students knowledge of current events on a level they can understand. It is helping to teaching my students tolerance for others. This is an important skill for all. I am so proud of my students on what they have learned so far. Seeing them treat others with kindness is a wonderful thing. I hope my kindergarten students use these skills not only in the classroom but also when they are away from school. I hope these students remember these lessons and continue to use tolerance as they grow and develop into young adults. You have made this possible.
Thank you for your kindness for helping to educate my kindergarten students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Croxton
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Funder and 2 other donors.Kindergarten Senses the Need to Write
Funded Nov 9, 2016Thank you for being a donor to my classroom project. My kindergarten students now have sensory sand and writing books. I have had sensory sand before in my classroom and had seen how much the students enjoyed using it. The sensory sand helps with the students imagination and helps with their creative thoughts and ideas. Sometimes students need a little help to get their ideas formed in their heads so these thoughts can be put down on paper. The sensory sand is making this possible.
Thank you for the classroom set of books. We read books every day in class. We discuss the authors and illustrators of these books. We have had discussions on what people need to do to create their own books. My five and six year olds have been looking forward to writing and illustrating their own book. These students now have the ability to do this.
My students were very excited when I showed them the new sensory sand and books we had received. They wanted to begin using them right away. Students are taking turns using the sand daily. We are working on learning the steps to become authors and illustrators. They have begun putting their ideas into words orally. We are working on thinking of ideas and answers before saying anything. I am seeing improvement in this. Students have started completing sentences after being given a sentence starter. We are also starting to write our own sentences. This is a slow process but an excellent way to achieve success. Our next step is to get multiple sentences onto paper. After this is done, we will be able to go to the next step of using our books to write down our ideas and illustrations. Students will have keepsake books from their year in kindergarten when this project is completed. Kindergarten students will carry all of these skills with them to first grade.
Your kindness is very much appreciated. You have given my students materials but you have also shown them that there are many kind people in this world that care about them and their education. Thank you for giving to my students and my classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Croxton
Write On!
Funded Oct 6, 2015My students were so excited to receive the dry erase boards. There were smiles from everyone. They knew the boards were a special gift for them to use, given to them by people that cared about them. Everyone was able have a board to use and an eraser. Our class is blessed to have so many people care about them and their education. I appreciate the kindness of others to help my students. I want my students to learn from this generosity.
Boards are being used throughout the kindergarten day. We have used them during our guided reading lessons, during writing lessons, and during our math lessons. We are using the boards daily. We will be using the boards and erasers throughout the school year. They are being used now and we will continue to use them until the end of school in June.
Students now have boards with lines. They don't have to guess where the lines are to write letters and numbers. Handwriting is improving already. I don't see as much frustration with the students while we are working on our lessons. These boards have helped our class with so many activities. Students are writing letters, words, sentences, numbers, and math problems.
Thank you for helping to improve the education of my students. Your gift will be used for many years. My students and I thank you for your kindness.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Croxton
Can You Hear Me Now?
Funded Oct 21, 2015Thank you so much for making my listening/library center a place that students are asking to go to. Before we received our new listening center, students stopped asking to go to the center. The tape recorder did not work with the tapes. Students became frustrated and did not want to go to the center. Now with our new CD player, head phones, and stand, students are asking to go to the center. They are enjoying listening to the Cd's and reading the books that go along with the Cd's. They are able to use the center with ease and without frustration.
My students know there are people that care about them and their education. Receiving the CD player is proof of that. Your gift has allowed them to improve their reading and listening skills. They are now able to work together at a learning center that will improve their knowledge. It also lets them know that reading is fun and enjoyable.
My students and I appreciate your kindness. Your gift now allows them to use this listening/library center every day throughout the school year. Thank you for helping my students be better readers. They have also learned the gift of giving to others and how important that is. Thank you for that.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Croxton
No I'm Not Too Little!
Funded Nov 16, 2014I would like to thank you for your kindness in making it possible for my class to receive an iPad. My class is very excited to have this technology in our classroom. We have three computers in the classroom that the children take turns using. Having an iPad in the classroom makes an extra work station for the students. Students have been taking turns using the iPad. Any time I ask a student if they want to go on the iPad, the reply is a big yes with a big smile.
Students are using the iPad to help with their academics. They are using it to help with their reading, math, science, and social studies. This is such a great way to reinforce what I am teaching in the classroom. Students working on the iPad are staying focused and interested in what they are doing. They don't stop working/playing until I tell them it is time to go home. The question I then hear a lot is "When can I work on our iPad again?".
Receiving the iPad in the classroom has meant many things. Lessons in all subjects have been taught on the iPad. Students have the chance to work on subjects that interest them. This is helping with all academics. Students are also improving their technology skills. They have been given a chance to work with technology not using a mouse. All of our computers at school use a mouse. I am always amazed how students that are five or six years old, have no fear working on something new. I think the most important lesson my students have learned is how kind people are. These are people that care about them and know how important education is. I appreciate all you have done for my kindergarten students and myself.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Croxton
Little Ones Just Want To Have Fun!
Funded Jul 16, 2014Thank you so much for being a donor for this project. I am so excited that my students have playground equipment this year. In the past, my kindergarten students had only a few balls to play with at recess. We now have many playground balls and "grip" balls to use at recess. This equipment is helping with their throwing and catching skills. Now the whole class can participate instead of just watching others play.
When I shared with the students all the equipment that was given to them, you would have thought it was Christmas morning. They were very excited and started talking with each other about the fun they were going to have. It is so special to see five and six year old children with smiles on their faces. They kept saying thank you. I was proud to share with them how we were able to get all this equipment.
This equipment has taught my students many things. Their gross motor skills are improving. Getting outside to use the equipment, after working in the classroom has been great for the kindergarten students. It gives them a chance to release some of the energy that they have. Because of the "grip" balls, we have been able to play inside the classroom on rainy days. The equipment has also taught the students to share. It has also taught them to be responsible for the equipment and to make sure it is all brought back into the classroom so it can be used the next day. It has also taught the students how kind people can be even if you don't know the person. This is a wonderful life lesson for these little ones.
Thank you for your kindness. You have given a wonderful gift by helping these young children. You have touched so many by your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Croxton