Our Fingerprints Don't Fade From the Lives We Touch.

Funded Dec 31, 2024

I am doing amazing now that all my packages have arrived! The students are excited with all the new resources and enjoying all the new games and snacks. The students have shared how having snacks in my office have helped with their energy and mood throughout the day. They are excited with the options of snacks, and the new supplies in my office, sometimes it is hard to get them out (in a good way)!

The students are also enjoying the "guess the gibberish game" and learning about "mancala" and how I used to play it at their age. When my students first seen all the stuff, they got really excited and wanted to sit in the bean bag right away. The students are really excited and appreciative of all the stuff in my office. They share their gratitude to the new stuff through Donors Choose!”

With gratitude,

Ms. Moreta