Past projects 3
Classroom Essentials
Funded Oct 25, 2024thank you so much for funding my classroom essentials project. Every classroom needs Clorox wipes, pencils, paper, and ink to be successful. A clean and happy classroom is where our students learn best. My students are eager to care for their classroom and take care of it. We also need paper and pencils to complete academic assignments. These essentials will help us be successful this school year.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Begley
Mickey the Turtle
Funded Oct 22, 2024thank you so much for funding my classroom project. We are so excited to introduce Mickey the Turtle to our students. Our goal is to teach responsibility and classroom unity in caring for our class pet. We will also learn all about turtles and their environments. Thank you so much.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Begley
Displaying Students’ Achievements
Funded Oct 22, 2024thank you so much for funding my classroom project. I am so excited to show case my students work and accomplishments. Our goal is to encourage our students and to increase their academic progress. With are awesome bulletin boards we will be able to ultimately show case our kiddos. Thank you!!!!!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Begley