Psych-ing Out Psychology: Creating One for the Books

Funded Dec 18, 2024

Thank you so much for your donations to my students. They were able to use everything provided to help them become published authors. This was something they never could've dreamed of. It helped them to research and think outside the box into their creative side for what others may need to know.

Students relied on technology to assist with completing research on the topics assigned to them. They were told to put everything they found into their own words to avoid plagiarism and to help them use their creative thinking skills. They were able to learn how to use the printer to do more than just print and that they had the capabilities to use WiFi beyond just surfing the internet.

Being high school students, they are used to doing a lot of writing. They were able to spend some time drawing and breaking things down so that other students their ages would understand. It was a challenging task for some but they seemed to enjoy the challenge.

We are very grateful for your support. The donations meant so much to us and will be used for other classes. Because of you, 223 students were able to become published authors.”

With gratitude,

Dr. Biggs