Past projects 1
Building Muscles and Minds With Stability Seating
Funded Aug 26, 2024Thank you so much for the alternative seating purchased for my classroom. The students thoroughly enjoy the new seating and are more attentive in class. Students are able to bring their "orange donut seats" with them where every they go enabling them to sit anywhere in the classroom. They can sit, kneel, or lean on them. The ability to wiggle and move helps them to attend in class while meeting their kinesthetic needs.
When the students first saw them they were so excited. We set up rules for the seats as a class and they hold each other accountable as they want the seats to last a long time.
Word quickly spread around the building and former students have come back to the room to check out the new seating. We even have other teachers coming in and asking questions about them. We have definitely spearheaded a movement toward an alternative to chairs in our building and we thank you for the opportunity to not only set this new trend, but to also allow or students to be children and provide outlets for their energy throughout their school day. In the future we hope to add more alternative seating and desks creating a "new normal" in our classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Scales