Encouraging a Love of Learning

Funded Aug 21, 2024

The students have really loved all of the new resources we were able to receive through your generous contributions. I have seen student engagement improve as they now have access to alternative seating. The stools and cushions are very popular at independent work time. Students have used the new headphones daily and are able to get more accomplished now that we do not have any laptop sound issues.

One moment in particular that stands out was when I shared the new prizes. My fourth graders were filled with joy when they saw the emoji balls, all of the stickers, and the variety of squishies. Their eyes lit up and they looked around excitedly at each other. In addition, I couldn't believe how much they loved the long jump ropes. Upon first use I saw students working as a team, taking turns, helping each other, and encouragement when a student didn't get it right the first time.

Now that we have finished quarter one of the school year I would like students to continue building math skills through games. Students will be able to use the new sets of playing cards to practice multiplication and division skills. Also, we will incorporate some additional card games as a reward for filling up our classroom marble jar.

I am very grateful for this project being funded.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Instone