Boost Vocabulary, Language, and Executive Function Skills in Speech Therapy!
Funded Oct 31, 2024Thank you so much for your generous support. The materials I was able to purchase through this project are benefiting my students and me immensely! The picture cards are incredibly helpful in teaching new concepts. There are a variety of basic prepositions, which is confusing for young children, but these picture cards present the concepts with simple but appealing visuals. Also, my older students are expanding their vocabulary for feelings using the emotions flash cards. We share our feelings at the beginning of speech therapy sessions, and I have encouraged them to use words beyond "happy" and "excited." Now they are using more sophisticated words such as "cheerful," "merry," and "thrilled."
The Writing Revolution book is amazing. It teaches me how to improve students' writing step by step. I have implemented activities such as sentence expansion, practicing different sentence types, and increasing sentence complexity with conjunctions. Having my students repeatedly practice writing using these tools is showing great results.
Last but not least, I love the small erase board, visual timer, and teaching clock. By being aware of their time and schedule, my students can regulate themselves and focus better. Breaking up our therapy sessions has a calming effect on them.
I am truly thankful for your generous donations. These materials are making a significant and positive difference in my students' lives. Thank you again for your kindness and support!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Chikage