Creating a Student Laundry Room for an Urban Middle School

Funded Mar 16, 2024

With what started as a spark of hope, our dream grew and grew with the care, support, and generosity of donors like you. I excitedly planned and dreamed what our little laundry room would need to set our students up for success and held my breath. I didn't have to hold it for long though, because I wasn't the only one who knew the importance of clean clothes and dignity. With your help, our students have been able to learn how to use the laundry room to empower themselves. They learned, that within the community, people cared enough to help them with a basic need many take for granted.

We didn't take your generosity for granted. I didn't take your generosity for granted. It makes me so hopeful for the future to know that people care enough to help others, in whatever capacity they can. Your generosity has let our students focus on what they have control over- their education and their futures. With clean clothing for school, it is my hope that they will be able to build lives that allow them to one day help those within our community who need it.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Loughlin