Hands-On Science Learning

Funded Nov 17, 2023

We started learning about multiple energy sources this semester. That naturally rolled us into technology and companies currently working on electrical vehicles. The kids learned about the effect of lithium on our ecosystem, its battery limits, and dangerous fires. This lead them to conclude that transitioning to solar power vehicles was something they might start seeing on a large scale during their lifetime.

The kids jumped into the project immediately. They quickly started fitting things together but had to slow down because this job required considerable manual dexterity. We worked together as a class and troubleshooted any issues. All the vehicles were a moving success. The kids all received high marks on their projects and were excited take their car home.

What surprised me was their perseverance when troubleshooting. Recently it's a lot more common to see students shrugging and giving up on things that are difficult. They were completely determined to make their project a success.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Cotino