Past projects 1
Flexible Seats for Little Feet
Funded Dec 4, 2023As soon as the large box containing the seats was placed in my classroom my students were excited to see what was inside. I told them some very kind people donated something to help everyone during class. I opened the box in front of everyone and students started shouting what they thought they would see. Of course, it was another box, which made them even more excited. As soon as I showed them the actual box, students were cheering and wanted to immediately use them. I told students I needed to make sure I put them together securely first and as I started putting one together, students started coming up to me and wanted to help ! Once they were put together I placed them at my teacher table and students started taking turns to test them out. One student said it was very comfortable, another liked how it moved. The next day, as students entered the classroom, I had five students immediately go over and sit in the wobble seats. One asked if she could use the seat at her table for breakfast !
As you can see from these accounts, my students are in love with the new seats. I have been using them at the teacher table, where I need students with their full attention on me, to learn new skills and having the wobble seats has been very helpful. When not using the teacher table, students who have a hard time sitting are getting to use the seats at their designated spot. A huge heartfelt thank you to all those who contributed to my project and made a difference in my classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Piccadaci-Silva
This classroom project was brought to life by A family that cares about Boston and 2 other donors.