Past projects 1
Engaging Education
Funded Nov 18, 2023I truly cannot thank you enough for your kindness and generosity. Our class has truly benefitted from all the items you have donated. We wouldn't have been able to have the learning experiences that we are having without you!
The headphones are the biggest resource in our room. The kids went nuts when they saw brand new headphones in all different colors! They got to choose which color they wanted and from time to time they'll even switch colors! It seems like a minor thing, but to my class it means the world.
The printer has been a game changer in our class. I have been able to print all sorts of visual supports, projects, and resources in color as we need them. I have also been able to print work to match the needs of my students. Some of my students are ahead and need work to keep their skills sharp, others need work to meet them where they are at. Having the ability to print in my room, in the moment, has made a huge impact!
The phonics materials have been incredible. It's taken some getting used to but having these materials have shown my kids other ways to learn their sounds.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Poremba