Help Me Reach My Spanish Speaking Students, Please

Funded Oct 25, 2023

Hello and thank you. I work in a school that is very low income and transient, often coming from foreign countries who speak very little to no English. Spanish used to be the primary secondary language challenged by no other subgroup. Lately there have been a great increase from African and Middle Eastern language speakers to our building. This means many of our native Spanish speaking teachers are learning new techniques to help reach the non-English speakers because it's not just Spanish anymore.

I researched various translators out on the market and most websites I came across all put the one I had picked as number one far above all the others. It does have Spanish and Urdu, so I can communicate to those students when need be. Maybe in the future they will add Farsi, Pashto, and Dari because those are the other three languages that are growing in our student body.

For now, I appreciate the ability to not have to rely on snagging another teacher when I'm trying to communicate to a student that knows Spanish or Urdu. I even had a short conversation with a student who knew Spanish yesterday. Instead of the confused dazed look we get when attempting to communicate, his eyes lit up in amazement because he didn't realize I had a little translator in my pocket and now he knew exactly what I was trying to tell him. This experience is only going to grow.

So once again, thank you to everyone for your support!”

With gratitude,

Mr. Rock