Help My Self Contained Math Class Please!

Funded Nov 9, 2023

Thank you for your generosity in supporting my little self contained classroom. I teach 6th grade students in Middle School Math I (the first part of Middle School Math in Virginia). My class is for students who initial testing showed low results in Educational Testing, but not so low they would be classified as ID. My students are learning the exact same material as their peers, just at a slower pace.

The "bouncy feet" were especially helpful to a young man who can not sit still. If he's not tapping or moving his feet, he is lifting up his desk with his legs, and I am sure you can imagine how that is a huge distraction. With the "bouncy feet" he can move, but keep his desk still. The "bendy people" fidgets help any student who comes to my room. When we take state wide tests, I have students who are on my caseload test with me, and the bendy people fidgets keep them entertained, but also quiet, so they do not distract other students. They like having different fidget options, and the girls who test with me like having fidgets that are different.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Abbott