Funded Sep 20, 2023Your wonderful donation has allowed us to travel to the wonderful world of literature. We traveled through our minds by reading all of the high quality books you gave us. We also used the dry erase markers to help us take notes and organize our thoughts. We ended up really using all of the stories to talk about problem and solution, main idea and details, plot, author's purpose, sequencing, comparing and contrasting and much much more.
We are also using some of the stories to practice reading fluency and comprehension. The students rush to get their favorite books after their work is done. They have a desire to explore our library and they really have an appreciation for the reading they are obtaining.
We have recently taken assessments in reading, and we are clearly starting to pass more lessons. Our scores are improving and we more importantly, through the activities and work from your supplies, have developed a love for high quality literature. Thanks again from our hard working 4th graders.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Grinnell