Building Dual Language Program With Civics and Economics Concentration

Funded Aug 24, 2023

It has been a great experience working with a range of resources in our classroom. The first goal, to improve students note-taking through mentor texts, structured note-taking, and other best practices has been made possible with the choices and opportunities enabled by none-other than you, our sponsors. In order to receive feedback on their note taking, students used their highlighters to get feedback, take notes, and study from them. This has proven useful not only for our students who have previous knowledge of study skills, but also other student scholars who are exploring a growth mindset in the way they study, learn, and grow together in our Dual Language Social Studies course. Strategies such as Cornell Notes, Retrieval Practices, and GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) have all drawn on the materials that have been so generously awarded.

When the students first learned of our donations, they understood that they had a challenge: take ownership of learning by organizing their study habits and draw on the resources and materials. They were elated with a precocity matched with only that of a fourteen year-old. Now, the next step will be to continue to draw on strategies that give students confidence to continue with their language study.”

With gratitude,

Mr. Arnal